The Feeble Files A SynTax Helpline Query, answer from a solution by unknown author The Ignition Circuit puzzle: Once in the vehicle, look around and use the cover to the right and get the wires. Open the ignition circuit and look at it. Use the wires on the input keys to the left. Now, the idea is to draw the wires across by combining the input keys with the output keys. If you get the colours right, you get a high pitch sound and if you get them wrong, it's a low pitch. The combination is random. For instance, I combined Input 1 with Output 4, Input 2 with Output 2, Input 3 with Output 1 and Input 4 with Output 3. This happened to be right, so I automatically took off and watched the sequence. But suppose the second and third combinations had been wrong, I would have heard: BLEEP-bleep-bleep-BLEEP. Then it's just a matter on clicking on the left and starting again till you get it right. - o -