MIGHT AND MAGIC 6 - THE MANDATE OF HEAVEN. Reviewed by Stefan Herber Yes I have finally done it. After what seems like weeks and weeks of doing nothing else I have finally completed the latest 3DO epic. The item has already been favourably reviewed in this magazine and reasonably well in the press, so why another comment? Simply I suppose that few of the reviews were of the whole game I suspect. So what of it? First of all it's enormous - I suspect there are at least 500 hours playing time if you do all the missions and explore everywhere (as I did). I say this as someone who was stunned by the size of Ultima 7 Part II and Daggerfall. This is of course both a good and bad thing - for me the game was ultimately too large and there were times I doubted I would ever have the patience to get to the end. Halfway through I wished I'd started with different characters and attributes but really didn't have the patience to begin again. I suspect this size is going to be the norm for RPGs from the reports I've heard of the up and coming ones but time will tell. Secondly the difficulty. It is stupendously difficult - it makes most shoot-'em-ups seem very easy. Again a good and bad thing but as someone who creates characters with a magic bent one assumes in an RPG that things will gradually get less difficult. Not a bit of it (though the final mission is comparatively easy compared to some of its predecessors). For once there is no final big baddie that takes the whole evening to kill - even with the wrong strategy as I subsequently discovered I managed it on the second attempt. Whether this is a new trend will also remain to be seen. Otherwise - excellent. Very pretty for an RPG; beautifully designed dungeons; a vast and powerful army of spells - unlike M&M5 magic is very important in this game. The storyline and quests are varied and I suppose I actually wanted to finish it - I didn't play to the end for the sake of pigheadedness as seems to have been the case all too often recently. Yes, buy it and forget all other obligations for the foreseeable future. - o -