Half-Life Adored by Andrew Wielochowski Have you not heard of Half-Life? Or are just interested in the review? Well... it's just the same normal train journey to work for George Freeman, except today he's running late and the train normally packed with security guards and scientists for the secret area of the secret Black Mesa research complex is empty. Once you arrive at your destination you are guided through more security doors and eventually to your HEV suit and then to the place, where it all begins. What first struck me about Half-Life was that it had a plot. Not many shoot-em ups have a one of those these days, so they're quite rare things to find. And this is probably one of the main reasons why Half-Life is so good. It has a story to it. The story unfolds and becomes clearer and scarier as you go along. The whole aspect of the story is enhanced by both the levels and the enemies. The levels are not short of excellent. All the levels are carefully combined to make one large level with breaks to load up the next piece. You can cross back into the previous level and all the aliens you killed will be dead and in the same places. The levels have been well created and it makes the game that much more enjoyable. The enemies have the best AI I have seen in any game yet as do the security guards and the scientists. The enemies I shall focus on first. The enemies include everything from lumbering zombies of your former pals to the highly intelligent stalkers. The lumberers appear to be in a more confused state and will occasionally take a swipe if you venture too close and then come the stalkers who will group up and hunt you down. They can even run from a fight if it is clear they are losing. Valve Software has clearly thought about all aspects of the game, as some of the monsters are confused and you can even see that they are acting differently due to their new surroundings. So what comes next? Viewers of the X-Files and those who know about the government and all their top secret conspiracies to hide the truth will know that a large scale clean-up operation comes next and crack SAS-style troops will be called in to erase the evidence. It takes you by surprise when you approach these new people to enlist their help as friends and they suddenly whip out machine guns and begin firing. But the thing is, these guys are deadly. They are intelligent and group up and flush you out with grenades and when you think it's all over they spring traps that when triggered spray the area in machine gun fire. And they keep on coming in groups and in singles, but all have one aim, to kill FREEMAN!!!! Half-Life has a tremendous atmosphere all through the game, around every corner there is a new surprise and you're constantly in suspense as to what will happen next. However you can always solve the next problem, there is no part in the actual game which will have you stumped for too long. And this is good because it becomes a faster flowing and chest-thumping game. And now for the long BUTTTTT. But even though Half-Life rarely lets up it does in some places. Firstly to get the best out of it you need a 3DFX or another graphics accelerator, if you haven't got one then it ain't worth getting until you do. But the main and biggest let up is in two parts ... the ending levels. Once you have reached the end of the Lamba Core, you have to jump into a massive transporter to be teleported to the alien world. Jumping into that is like getting through customs, but the alien levels are like the Krypton Factor. It seems that the gameplay slows down here. And everything become stupid. Soon we are fighting massive three-headed monsters and huge monsters which took airstrikes and large electric discharges to kill back on Earth. And the levels are much more complex and tacky. My strategy throughout the entire ALIEN LEVELS (I did not do this on any others) was to turn on GOD mode and NOCLIP and find the teleporter in each level. That's how bad they were. Unfortunately the last level you couldn't get to the teleport so it is just NOCLIP and GOD. The last level involves killing a big boss, yep you can only kill him by shooting in the end endless times. Sorry Valve, that is not the way to end games anymore, BIG BOSSES are a big NO NO! However the final ending scene is quite good and makes you feel rewarded. So once again Sierra taunts its rivals and accepts the position of KING OF THE CASTLE, for its excellent game ... HALF-LIFE. Despite the ending I am telling you this ... BUY IT! An accelerator first. BUT BUY IT! - o -