================================================================== The Last City by Roger M. Wilcox Part of Disk 961 Walk Through by Dorothy Millard (PC BASIC Version) ================================================================== Scenario The future has come and gone. Human technology had reached goals that surmounted even the most impractical dream of the past. We had strived and succeeded, and at last had begun to tap into the awesome power of ... magic! It was that caused our civilization to crumble. Your magical senses have drawn you to the vicinity of humanity's last city because of a warning. If not rescued very soon, the last of human technology will be erased from the planet. Notes 1. Ensure the CAPS LOCK key is on. 2. You cannot enter the magically contaminated area until you have the magic stone. Walk Through (Start in the remains of an east/west freeway, E, N (pawn shop), GET DEVICE, GET FULCRUM, GET PLANK, GET SHOVEL (sand shovel), GET PICK (and pitons), S, W, N (desert), DIG (with sand shovel - find a dirt shovel), GET SHOVEL, DIG (find a key), GET KEY, S, EXAMINE RUBBLE (the chunks are too big to lift), MAKE LEVER (with plank and fulcrum), PUSH LEVER (you raise the concrete block), LOOK BLOCK (see only dirt underneath), DIG (with dirt shovel - find a parchment), DROP SHOVEL, DROP SHOVEL, GET PARCHMENT, READ PARCHMENT (hints), DROP PARCHMENT, E, E (edge of domed city), EXAMINE DEVICE (has buttons numbered one through five), PUSH FIVE, PUSH FOUR (as told in the scroll - you are transported into the dome on the city's west side), E, GO CITY HALL, GET LAMP, E, N, E (unused part of city), EXAMINE MAGIC ITEMS, GET WAND, EXAMINE WAND (needs recharging). S, S (south side where the metal cover is), UNLOCK COVER (using the key), DROP KEY, D (metal ladder - need lamp), D (sewer), GET DONUT, U, U, DROP LAMP, E (east side), PUSH FIVE, PUSH THREE (transported to a secluded rock formation), LOOK ROCK (find a magic stone), GET STONE, PUSH FIVE, PUSH FOUR (back to east side of city), N, W (west side) PUSH FIVE, PUSH THREE (back outside), W, W, S (magically contaminated wasteland - note: must be carrying the magic stone), RECHARGE WAND, S (by drawbridge to castle), EXAMINE DRAWBRIDGE (has a picture of a half-donut on it), THROW DONUT (the two symbols combine into a full circle and the drawbridge lowers), E (castle foyer), READ SIGN (says to go no further), E (main room of castle), S (bedroom), W (bathroom), EXAMINE TOILET (there's a passage behind it), D (underground storage chamber), GET EXPLOSIVE, U, E, N, W, W, N. N, E, E (edge of domed city), PUSH FIVE, PUSH FOUR, E, N (central tower), CLIMB TOWER (see circular ceiling hatch), OPEN HATCH (it's sealed), DROP EXPLOSIVE, WAVE WAND (a lightening bolt hits the dynamite blowing open the hatch), U (top of dome), GET LASER CUTTER, D, D, W, W (west side), PUSH FIVE, PUSH THREE, W, W, S, S, E (castle), E (main room where the steel door is), USE LASER CUTTER (burns a hole through the door), E (missile control room), EXAMINE CONSOLE (see buttons), PUSH BLACK (the countdown advances to zero and a missile is launched), PUSH RED.... In a flash of yellow the missile destroys itself in midair. The last city is saved! A cheering crowd from this city gallantly marches through the five-centimeter steel walls of the control room and carry you off into the sunset. Now humanity can live and prosper once again ------ thanks to you! - o -