Editorial Welcome to Issue 62 of SynTax. We are now officially a PC-oriented magazine as last issue the final few readers transferred from ST or Amiga disk to either PC disk or paper. It's amazing to think that back in 1989, SynTax was launched as an ST-only magazine, and now, ten years on, it's still going strong but with a different look and content, especially now with the recent introduction of 'paper' SynTax. The whole idea in '89 was that a disk-based mag would be completely under my control to duplicate, with no reliance on printers or photocopy shops. But technology has changed and with the advent of desktop publishing, creating a paper-based mag is now much easier - and looks better too, than early cut-and-paste efforts or ones created on a word processor alone. When I think back to the games I was playing in '89 as well, I realise how much games technology has progressed too. I couldn't have imagined the likes of the graphics in Rollercoaster Tycoon - I thought King's Quest looked realistic! I recently finished RCT and have given my final views in this issue. Now I'm back to Settlers 2 which I started ages ago and didn't finish. Loading it up again, and restarting because I'd lost all my saves, despite the fact that I'd really like to be playing Settlers 3, brought up the topic for this issue's musings on the psychology of gaming. Thanks to everyone who has said they enjoy those articles, by the way. I've also started Legend's oldie, Mission Critical, and am thoroughly enjoying it. The bonus program of 'Excuse Me' was enthusiastically received last issue so I'm going to continue to provide games or utilities which I've found useful or interesting or which have been mentioned in the current issue eg Spilt File Extension, two Inform games and a bonus level for RCT are among those given this time. Book subscribers will get a separate recycled disk. If anyone has any recommendations, please let me know. Finally an late bit of news. As you know, Zenobi are bringing out more CD compilations all the time. There is a short article giving details of some of their new releases in this issue but they later contacted me to say they also have five new CDs at œ2.99 each, inclusive of P&P. Four of them cover different RPG collections and the fifth CD contains screensavers and themes with fantasy settings. All have bonus programs in the form of arcade and puzzle games. Contact Zenobi at 26 Spotland Tops, Cutgate, Rochdale, Lancs OL12 7NX for more into or to order. That's it! See you next issue. Sue - o -