Photopia - part of Disk 1290 - Written by Opal O'Donnell (1998 Interactive Fiction Competition) Review by Dorothy Millard (PC Inform Version) In the Readme file accompanying Photopia it strongly suggests that the game be played in colour as it enhances the story. Once you start playing you will soon realise why, as different scenarios are in different colours and without that the game would certainly loose some impact. Don't be put off by the opening screen, which is a little crude and really only leads into the red story. Photopia isn't strictly an adventure game, but more of an interactive story, or series of intertwining stories. For the most part I normally do not like this type of game and prefer lots of puzzles to solve. Photopia, however, grabbed my interest from the start. It allowed me to talk to people and examine things to gain more information. It is well written and the stories are linked together in an interesting way. It is not a difficult game and you are led gently through it. I was stuck for a while in a crystal city maze, but typing help brought the hint I needed, which when I thought about it should have been obvious. All you maze haters out there, don't be put off, it isn't necessary to solve the maze at all and, if like me, you get stuck the help will soon put you back on the right path. Quite an innovative use of a maze when I think about it. It is unusual for me to like this type of game but I did enjoy it and would recommend Photopia. - o -