WARHAMMER:DARK OMEN DEMO Review by Michael Raven. For the uninitiated, Warhammer is a tabletop adventure game that has been carrying on cheerfully for many years now. Started by a couple of people that sold 6 games to their friends, Games Workshop now has at least 70 shops in the UK alone, (and these were from an old magazine - they now probably have well over 100!) with paintable miniatures. The solution for people that aren't into the painting of the miniatures, or don't have many people to play against, is Dark Omen. The computer gives you a pile of ready-painted (albeit on the screen) miniatures, and you fight computer created monsters of evil. In this demo, you control the brave Empire army against a slavering undead horde. There's nothing quite like having a cavalry force charge into the flank of a huge melee, surrounding the enemy on all sides. Or having an undead pack charge at a battered group of infantry, only to have a wizard blast a few fireballs into the middle of the undead lot and make them run! Great game, very exciting. PRESENTATION 83% Very good, nothing that special though. PLAYABILITY 95% Simplicity itself, just click on a group, and click on the enemy that you want them to fight. They then fight! GRAPHICS 94% Animation clips shows up throughout the battle to tell you just how well you're doing. SOUND 83% Good, but a bit of background music could have been nice. LASTABILITY 43% (Note this is for the demo) only 1 battle to fight. OVERALL 94% Considering it's only a demo, this is VERY good! - o -