Wizardry 7 Hints - part 3 Original author unknown General Playing Tips: Save, save, save. And save again. Before you try to open any chest, save; that way if you set off traps, you can back up and try again. Same thing before you try to open any locked door, and before you go through any doorway (since many doorways have combat on the other side). If a character dies in combat, terminate the game and load your previous save game. With patience, you can get through the game without ever having to resurrect a party member. If everyone survives a combat in reasonably good shape, save immediately. Save before you rest. If you get through the rest period without a battle, save before resting again. It's a "ratchet" approach to the game; if something good happens, no matter how small, save so that you can move forward from that good point. Don't kill NPCs until you're absolutely sure you've wrung them dry of all relevant information. If you happen to kill an NPC by accident (because they got angry at you and attacked), terminate the game and load your previous save game. If you kill the wrong NPC, you may end up in a position where you have an extremely difficult time finishing the game. (Note: some NPCs can show up with annoying regularity. Hold your temper, at least until you get the *LEGEND* map. You cannot win the game without this map.) Take notes. Lots of notes. Also make maps when you need to. The automapping feature is okay some of the time, but in places like the Halls of the Past (under the Isle of Crypts) and the Temple of Aerial Whimsey (in Dane Tower), you need to make your own maps to keep track of teleports. Before you get rid of anything you pick up, take it to an NPC (like the Innkeeper in New City) and try to sell it. He'll say "YOU NEED THAT" if it's a crucial artifact of the game. Have your characters specialize in skills. For example, have one put points into Searching, one into Mapping, one into Artifacts, and so on. Never spend points on Oratory--it goes up automatically. Same thing with mythology and combat skills. Beginning characters should put one or two points into swimming with each level increase, until each character gets to 10 pts. After that, forget it. 10 points means you can survive one second in the water, and after that, each time you go into the water, you automatically gain a point. Thus as soon as everyone gets 10 points of swimming, swimming practice will give you as many additional points as you want. - o -