Desert Island Disks If you'd like to contribute to this section, just pick three games which you'd like to take with you onto a desert island if you were shipwrecked. Which games would you like to replay (or finish!)? Which ones would stand the test of time? I'd be interested to hear the reasons for your choices. In the mean time, here are mine, in no particular order. I don't see the point in replaying adventures even if I enjoyed them so mine are all on the RPG and strategy side. 1. Might and Magic VI - being shipwrecked is, I think, the only way that I'd have a chance to finish this! (The same argument goes for games such as M&M7 and Baldur's Gate but I'm picking MM6 because I've got a fair way into it). It's an excellent game with lots to explore. Though there is on-screen mapping and autonotes, you still need to make some of your own. That could keep me busy! And, usually an annoying feature, the areas reset and monsters regenerate. Yes, this game could keep me very busy. 2. Railroad Tycoon - the original one, not RT2 or the deluxe version of the original one. I found this game very addictive, and it wasn't too hard to get to grips with it. With all the maps supplied, there would be a lot to get my teeth into. I'd need some paper to keep track of all the routes though! 3. Rollercoaster Tycoon - preferably with the sandbox add-on level. With all that free time on my hands, I might be able to build a coaster that my little people would ride without upchucking. I'd also like to build some nice landscaped gardens. When I played the game, I rarely built my own coasters, using instead the ones provided with the game. If I could have more - Transport Tycoon, Caesar III, or anything in the Settlers or Sim series. So, those are my three. What are yours? Sue - o -