Solution to Frenetic Five Part of Disk 1211 From Nick Edmunds >wait X 9 (until knock on door) >stand >n >ask newsboy about new >wait X3 (until phone rings) >answer phone >wait X2 (wait until conversation ends) >x desk >search desk >open drawer >take bus schedule >e (to kitchen) >take fork >take glass >s (to backyard) >fold sheet >take sheet >n >w (to living room) >give sheet to lexicon >e >s (to backyard) >untie clothesline >take clothesline >n >w (to living room) >u >s (to clappers room) >wake clapper >n >d (to living room) >clapper, find keys >take tape >search hole >n (to street) >close door >lock door >w >wait at northbound bus stop (wait for 83 bus, unless its the first bus to arrive then wait for another 83) >board bus >put token in box >Pastiche, get token >sit (after a while you're automatically deposited at the wrong side of the tracks by the abandoned flange mill) >take pole >pole vault track (to wharves) >w (to square) >n (to mill) >open door x 3 >ask lexicon for word >n (into darkness) >wait x 7 (until you wake up in your bedroom) >l >x lobster >wait x 11 (until you awake inside mill) >wait about x 11 (until Sturm and Drang leave) >get shard >reflect light at glasses >ask clapper about grey >take all >clapper give me pellet >s >s (to square) >w (to dark alley) >tie clothesline to fork >throw fork at crates >pull clothesline >take fork >climb fence >up (to roof) >unfold sheet >throw pellet at ground >wait x >x melodramaturge >x controls >push off button >put tape on Sturm - o -