The Gene Machine Hints by Neil Shipman Can't get Lytton's calling card? Pour the syrup of figs into the port. How do I get into the Royal Scientific Institute? Give the artefact from your study to the curator. How do I put holes in the computer punchcard? Give it to 73. Can't get into the brothel? Hand over your recommendation from Queen Victoria. What do I do with the dirty handkerchief? Wipe the teacup with it. What should I give to the forger? Both editions of the newspaper - the old one from home and the current one from the paperboy at the railway station. How do I get the camera to flash? Make flash powder with snuff and whisky. What do I use for rocket fuel to return from the moon? Vitriol and phosphate extracted from moon rock. Can't free the valve in the ship's engine room? Expectoration makes a good lubricant. Can't find a blue crystal? It's in amongst all the other crystals - look for crystal (singular) amongst crystals (plural). - o -