Gene Roddenberry's Earth: Final Conflict Taken from the official web site Gene Roddenberry's Earth: Final Conflict is a futuristic action/science fiction series set on the planet Earth early in the next century. The series begins three years after the arrival of an advanced species of aliens, called TAELONS or COMPANIONS, who are lending their superior technology and wisdom to help the young Earth solve its most pressing problems: famine, disease, war. The series started with our hero, former police officer WILLIAM BOONE, thwarting an assassination attempt on the American Companion, DA'AN. Boone is then recruited by the Taelons as "Commander of Security and Interspecies Relations" for the Central United States. At the same time, a budding Resistance movement, whose members are convinced that the Taelons have a darker purpose beyond all of their benevolent acts, approaches him. Boone is swayed when the Taelons attempt to "implant" him with a Cyber-Viral Implant (CVI) which will redirect his loyalties and increase his mental capacities, and hence his usefulness to the Companions. His decision becomes final when his wife is killed in a Taelon-instigated "accident," intended to insure Boone's complete devotion to the Companions. He chooses to work for the Resistance while retaining his insider status within the Companion structure. Boone's driving motivation is to peel back the layers of Companion plans and learn the deep secret of their intentions for Earth. is also proud to feature two original typed notes that Gene Roddenberry wrote while developing the series, then titled "Battleground: Earth." 1. Concept Notes - see Screenshots 2. Questions - A list of controversial and complex questions proposed by Gene Roddenberry in an effort to evoke transcendent thought and opinion. These were: How can we overcome prejudices? What is Death? Should we orchestrate war? Is patriotism a disease? What is the difference between sexuality and love? Where does duty end and morality begin? Should there be government? Whose ethics predominate in a relationship - yours or mine? What does it mean to be human? Do machines live? What use is religion? Is love the exclusive property of heterosexuals? Just because we can do something, should we? What is the difference between dreams and reality? What is conscience? Is there a case for drug dependency? What is the difference between male and female power? Are ethics the same as morals? What does it mean to be human? - o -