Pagan Puppy Part of Disk 1168 Reviewed by Graham Raven Arrgghhhh! I've just 'survived' the Myth experience and here I find myself in Pagan Puppy land. Pagan Puppy is cute, and allegedly involves evil mutant time travelling penguins amongst other equally unfeasible entities. You MUST remember to type 'Norman' if you want to start the game. If you forget this, having read through reams and reams of instructions about how to construct sentences which the game understands etc and try to start playing the game without this little gem of information, then you'll get nowhere fast. Perhaps like me you'll try any number of sensible start up commands, which will be doubtless followed by some less sensible ones! When in desperation you get to rude commands then the game suddenly starts to do things, but not things you would like! Paragraph after paragraph of torment and torture is ladled upon you, hot lava, trolls beating you to a pulp, ridicule and scorn and all because you said a rude word, and I really do think the game merits the odd rude word I can tell you! Let that be a lesson to you all! Just because a game is mind- bogglingly infuriating is no reason to swear! (apparently!) Hmmm, I'm sure any number of you bright lateral minded people out there will really enjoy this game, but I have a flaw in my character (what, just the one?); I find this game too 'smart' for its own good. The occasional wise crack is funny, but I think it's easy to over step the mark and insult the player, something which inevitably results in my dumping the game into the recycle bin! Rating: Exit! (very similar to U Bend!) - o -