Betrayal at Krondor - A complete player's guide - part 3 @~Concluded from issue 63 CHAPTER V: WHEN RIVERS RUN BLOOD (Defend Northwarden!) You are going to trot around a lot in this chapter, so brace yourselves. The first thing you do is go to Northwarden, where you must talk to Baron Gabot. He sends you off to find Duke Martin and Tamney. Before you leave the town, visit the shop and get some Coltari poison. Leave and follow the road south, heading for Dencamp, where you will meet with Martin. Talk to him. He sends you to find three chests, which are not far away, off the road, to the NW; use the spyglass or cast an Eyes spell. When you do find them, first you have to deal with a trap and then you have to tackle the chests. Get Petrus to cast Union so that you can read moredhel. Now open the chests: the magic words are ONION, OUTSIDE AND DOOR. Get all the food, poison it with the Coltari stuff and then put it back into the chests. Go back to Martin and tell him what you have done. He will suggest you find Tamney. Head again for Dencamp and, just before you get there, you will see a barn on your right. You have to be very strong to open the door, so if you are not cheating, buy one of those yellow potions. Anyway, once you are in, Tamney asks for some stones and sends you to a cave. Go back the way you came and, when you see a secondary road which describes almost a circle, check out the mountainside. You will find the entrance to the cave. Search around till you find the chest with the stones. By the way, you will also find some eggs (didn't someone say something about these eggs and the spell Master's Will?). Chests: Carpenter...SAWDUST, Neck...JACKET. Go back to Tamney with the stones. He gives you some diamonds. You are going to need 2,000 sovereigns pretty soon, so if you don't have enough cash, sell them at the nearby shop. Go back to Martin. He asks you to get some plans from Raglam. Head for that town and, when you are stopped by the Goblins, pay the money they ask. Ignore the well at the end of the next secondary road you find - it is poisoned. Along here you'll jump on to the road to Raglam. Notice the catapult by the roadside. After negotiating the trap, go click on the catapult. You find a piece is missing. Walk on to the town and find the leader's house (it is marked with three red lines on the floor) and then the Tavern. Get Patrus drunk and then go next door to the Engineer's house, where he should play the lute pretty badly - the engineer gets chummy and tells the characters the location of the missing piece. Actually, my characters were so beefed up that Patrus could not play badly even when dead drunk, so I had to change all the 99s I had put in the file to cheat into 13s! However, you don't need to do that 'cause I'll tell you where the chest is. Head W from the town till you reach the river. Use the spyglass to spot the chests. You will find the gear in one of them. Take it back to the catapult and click on it to fire it. Now go back to Raglam, to the leader's house, and you will find the plans plus a nice sword. Back to Martin. Now he wants you to chill no less than 6 invisible magicians. Follow the road SW to Dencamp, go past the village and then watch out for a house off the road, to the SE, by which there is a well. Petrus will make the magicians visible so you can attack them. I had no problem at all, but it is important to get all your characters close to them so that the magicians don't have a chance to use their spells. Back to Martin once more and then on to Northwarden. Watch what happens - this is the end of the chapter. CHAPTER VI: BETRAYAL (Find the Book of Macros!) And they don't mean DOS macros... I don't know about you, but I am getting more confused by the minute. I think they lost me back in Chapter III... Anyway. I gather you are supposed to get on the trail of Pug and Gamina. You start at the sewers beneath Krondor. Make your way to the exit, to the south if you remember. Near there you will meet Limm, who will tell you of walls collapsing and one thing and another. Head east from the entrance till you meet Kat. She wants the Idol of Lassier. Go back to the entrance then head north and keep to your left - this will take you to another level of the sewers. You will find the idol in the very first chest you meet with right at the start. You can explore the rest of this area, but there is nothing else of importance. Take the idol to Kat. She puts you onto Abbot Graves from Maloc's Cross. Leave the sewers and go to the Inn in Krondor. Speak to Nivek, who tells you he's lost his keys. Make your way to Maloc's Cross and, on the way, you will meet and old bag who wants her beer and tells you where she will be staying. Go to Maloc's and visit the Inn. Speak to Ivan and ask about Lost & Found (well, actually, ask him about everything) and buy everything he has. Now go into the temple and talk to the Abbot. If he is not yet available, take the keg of beer back to the old lady and then come back to the Temple. When you see the Abbot, he'll ask you to get a note from Mitchell Waylander. Go to find him in Sloop - if I remember correctly he was to be found in the house next to the shop. He will give you a note to take back to the Abbot. Do so. The Abbot will advise you to find Tomas in Elvandar. He will also rattle on about a sword. Go out and to the NW and you will find a Temple. Enter it and teleport near Krondor. On your way to Krondor you will find a dead man on the road. Search him and you will find Nivek's key. Take it to him to the Inn in Krondor and question him. Now you know you must go to Eggley. Go there and search about, talking to the guy in the Inn. Open the shop with the key and you will find a map. Now you must head for Sarth. Before you get there you will meet Brother Marc, who is a mine of information (mine... get it? Oh, never mind). Anyway, when you get to Sarth you find you can't get in. Click on the bottom left corner of the picture and you will enter the mine. Keep left and you will come up to the library. Here, use the magnifying glass to learn everything you can. While in the mine you will come across a chest which says something about two brothers: answer TRADE MARES and it will open. Get the armour you will find inside. Now you have to go to the first mines you visited, between LaMut and Zut. As you enter the mines you are met by your old friend, the gabby dwarf, who gives you a lot of info. Go West, young man. Just keep going west in the level and the next and you'll come out to meet with another garrulous dwarf. While in the next level, you will come to a gap in the floor where you will meet a kobold. If you give him the armour, your statistics will improve. Once outside, and before you go anywhere, find the shop around here and stock up with food, restoratives, etc. This is not only for this chapter, but also for the next; above all, you need plenty of restoratives. Also, and just in case, buy a Key of Lineages if you don't have one. Then follow the road to the N; look out for ropes to pull and tents half hidden in the forest. Take the secondary road to the NE and hug the mountain - you will meet up with the prince, who will give you a couple of useful things and even more useful info. Actually, you can get to Tomas and the Book of Macros in many different ways - you don't have to cross the river, follow a secondary road north and avoid the glades, brave the ruins, etc. to get to Elvandar. Just cross the river at the bridge and follow the road and eventually you will get there. And when you do, that will be the end of this chapter. Chests found in this Chapter: Magic, Death... CHEST; Turn, spin...MILK; Pierce...RUST; Box under a tree... WALNUT; Flat as a leaf...BUTTON; Attached... LIFE; What is yours...EQUALS. CHAPTER VII: THE LONG RIDE (Destroy the Moredhel Rift Machine!) Follow the road ahead, then go E, cross the river and walk SE. You will meet Duke Martin. You have a chat with him and you carry on SE along the river, meeting Obkhar. Follow the river till you find a bridge. If you are very strong, you can just bluff and fight your way across - if not, you have to find the password in one of those chests to the NW corner of the forest (answer, SNOWFLAKE). Once over the bridge, go E along the river to meet Moraeulf. He will tell you to find a chest in the SW corner of the woods (the password being VICTORY). Go there and look for a "pouch" shaped hollow in the mountain; actually, if you use the spyglass you will see a whole lot of red dots within it, which are the various chests. (Answers further down). The chest you wanted is empty save for a note. Go north from this chest till you meet Squire Phillip by the road, where there is a shop and a well (you can drink!). He will give you what you need. Now all you have to do is to find the machine. Look at the map - if you look at the river you will see it makes a kind of V joined at the bottom by a kind of Y. The machine is at the end of the road to the NE of the forest, inside and at the bottom of the "V". You can also get to it from the end of the road which comes from the NW, and crossing two bridges. You will see that the area is blocked by a "2"-shaped mountain, but part of it is illusionary and can be crossed. There is a trap to negotiate and a fight to be had, then use the contraption the Squire gave you on the two posts you will see. Chests: Stay away... TROLLS; When its... BRIDGE; Look at my face... MIRROR; Keep this thing...TEMPER; Earthen house...GRAVE; Twins... EYES. CHAPTER VIII: OF LANDS AFAR (Save Pug and Gamina) Go straight N along the road. Click on buildings and check out earth mounds. When you get at the end of the road, you will see some columns. Click only on the one to your right. You will be asked to find a cup. Make for the SE corner of the map. Along the way, you will find various items, amongst them a map and some notes. Collect crystals by clicking on the yellow crystals, find a blue staff - you can recharge it by using the crystals on it. In the SE corner of the island you will find a heavily guarded hut - inside it, you will find the cup. Take it back to the column (click on it). If you click on this column once more, you will be teleported to Pug. Talk to him, then head back for the column. Now click on this and all other columns save the one in the middle. Head SW. In the SW corner of the island, off the road, you will see an earth mound with an important cache. Take everything, swap armours, use the healing herbs and the restoratives and have Owyn learn the vital spell. Then use the cup to share the spell with Pug. Round the mountains to the N. To the left of the three bridges you will see the entrance to the caves. Go to your right and, along a corridor to the north, you will see a door. Save and get your characters in top condition. Have Gorath attack the serpent men, but have Owyn and Pug cast Strength Drain on the winged creatures, at the strongest power. If one of them does not kill them, the other will. Then do the same with the other winged creature. Once you are rid of all your enemies, there is a nice little sequence and the chapter is over. CHAPTER IX: MAD GODS RAGE (Prevent Whatshisname from reaching the Whatsit!) Enter the chamber in front of you, kill the goblins and retrieve a key. This key opens practically all doors in this complex. Go through the second door to your left (from the entrance). You have to find your way downstairs, somewhere to the NE. Once below, it is just a question of finding the Six and killing them all. Count them! Once you've killed them, go back to the entrance chamber upstairs. Now go through the N door until you find the Oracle. There is a little automatic sequence here and the next thing is that you'll find yourself in a room with the chief villain. Before you advance, make sure your characters are in the best possible state. Once you move forward, two winged creatures will appear. Don't bother with spells, you'll lose for sure. Go first to one of the winged creatures and destroy it, then the other, and then go for the mage. Try to stick to them like leeches, so that they don't have the chance to cast spells. Once they are all dead, you can relax and watch the finale. A few screenfuls will either make it all clear to you or addle your head even more. But it is all over. Chests: Four legs...PLOW; Having it...DEATH; Lower than a fence...STAKE; Though not a plant...BOOK. @~And that's all, folks.... - o -