GRIM FANDANGO Reviewed by Stefan Herber I have now completed what certain computer magazines have reliably informed me is the best adventure game of all time. To be honest I started it months ago but ended up being sidetracked into various RPG efforts. I suppose that sums it up best - it's not compelling. You enjoy playing it but feel no need to go back again and again to try and complete it. Not that it took very long. Three days of concentrated effort and it was all over. Yes - I did get stuck on a number of occasions and had to consult a walkthrough - but 99% of the time I had already solved the problem and my mistake was not standing in the right position. Do we really need this sort of frustration in adventure games nowadays?? Being a 3D adventure (although I'm damned if I can notice the difference) you can't use the mouse - it's keyboard or joystick. I thought this was the ideal time to learn to use the gamepad I purchased - all things being equal I hope you have better luck than me. The promised keys did not work at all. And of course it crashed randomly from time to time despite installing all the latest patches. I encountered this using two separate video cards and indeed with my new setup would not have got any further had it not been for previous save games. This is an unusual problem for LucasArts software and I hope it's not a portent for the future. I suppose I have to admit that it was a reasonably diverting experience. It reminded me most of the latest LucasArts adventure games - it has no resemblance to the Monkey Island trilogy at all. Basically you have to solve the reason why so many dead and deserving souls are being denied their true fulfillment in the next world which seems to be fuller of gangsters and hit men than any Humphrey Bogart epic. Interestingly enough although you are already dead you can still apparently be "sprouted" which involves a large number of flowers growing out of your anatomy and you ending up goodness knows where! As in previous LucasArts epics you never actually die - you can always solve a problem without the game ending. Well, try it out - it's available at cut-down price from many retailers. There is also a dearth of adventure games on the market currently which is almost as severe as the RPG drought of a few years ago. BUT - the best adventure game ever? Please tell the people at PC "deleted" that it probably ranks below the original Zork text adventure. - o -