MIGHT & MAGIC 7 TIPS From Stefan Herber I don't intend this as a walkthrough - there are a number of such on the web - but most miss out some vital info which you have to learn the hard way. So - here goes: a) In the first setting you are offered a free wand for favours later to be extracted. DON'T accept unless you want your hometown to be decimated later or lose favour with your important protagonists. If you do accept your castle will be attacked later and to restore the norm you have to kill EVERY invader; many of them are well hidden and it is possible to slay them all - but why look for trouble in the first place? b) Vital skills are air magic, body magic and bow. Try and get one character up to master level in these a.s.a.p. Give one or the other of the magic disciplines to your secondary magic casters. All characters need bow skills; the only weapon your sorcerer will ever be any good at is the staff - make sure he/she has the skill at the beginning or buy in the first scenario (you won't get another chance). c) Many stronger characters will never succumb to your party even late in the game. Use spells like paralyze or enslave (although the real nasties later are immune to both.) Some characters can kill your party member in one stroke- SAVE, SAVE and SAVE again. d) Flight, water walk and invisibility spells are indispensable. It is impossible to win the game without these - buy them. e) Despite being invisible to your enemies in hostile areas you are visible to pub owners and traders. Use this to your advantage (don't ask me to explain this.) f) Don't waste money on weapons (except perhaps early on.) You'll pick up much better stuff in the various dungeons. If despite this you are stuck e-mail me (StefanHer@aol.com). Oh one last thing - according to the booklet archers can become expert in disarming traps. You can't - not until very late in the game. So don't believe everything you read. - o -