Do you like interactive fiction and high quality text adventures? If the answer is Yes! But you ? Don't have Net access or ? Can't be bothered to spend a-g-e-s downloading files or ? Would like to store stacks of text adventures in a conveniently accessible form then ... the first SynTax Gamer's CD is for you! It contains ALL the entries in the 1995 - 1999 IF Competitions from the Internet, downloaded from the IF archive. All run-time systems and interpreters are provided and some games also come with walkthroughs. The games are divided by year and by programming language - AGT, TADS, Inform, Hugo, Alan etc. There are almost 120 games in all covering all genres making the cost about 8p a game! To order, send your name and address plus a cheque/PO for œ10 made payable to Sue Medley to the usual SynTax address. - o -