Zanebar Part of Disk 986 and on this issue's disk Reviewed by Graham Raven As I did when I picked FRP, I wasn't quite sure just what this program was when I picked it. Now with a name like Zanebar, this one must have been a game of some kind (and maybe a RPG please?). My left foot it was! No, this program is another Dungeons and Dragons players aid. Specifically it's a 'Shopping database' for AD&D players. Want to know exactly what you can buy with your money in a AD&D world? Just tell the program how much cash you've got, gold, silver, copper etc, and it will tell you precisely what you can buy and how much of it. I have to admit the range of goods available for purchase amazed me, I didn't know there were that many items to buy! Livestock, herbs, provisions, religious items, furnishings, alchemical supplies, musical instruments, torture devices, tack & harness, portable shelters and thieves tools, not to mention miscellaneous items! This program will probably appeal to die hard AD&D enthusiasts, possibly dungeon masters, and only to such people. Rating: Fish! - o -