Babylon 5 Book 5 - The Touch of Your Shadow, The Whisper of Your Name Author Neal Barrett Jr Cruel dreams take over the minds of all of those on Babylon 5 as a mysterious green ribbon, known as The Worm, moves through space towards the station. Although it doesn't register on any scanners, it is clearly having some effects on the people. In fact, several religious organisations are holding conventions on B5 and see it as either a saviour or a sign of doom according to their religion. Violence breaks out as opposing viewpoints clash, not helped by the xenophobic nature of the dreams. Lennier turns into a spear-wielding mercenary, stalking the corridors looking for victims and Delenn and Sheridan both dream of violent confrontations with each other, making it hard for them to relate to one other in real life. It's hard to say more about this book, since this is the basic story, but the various factions introduced make for a good read. I especially liked the B5 version of Hell's Angels - Fermi's Angels - who worship physics and motorbikes above all else - Garibaldi makes a surprising friend here who comes to his aid more than once. Not the most exciting of stories, it also comes to a somewhat unsatisfactory conclusion, leaving me rather flat. Hopefully book 6 will be back on track! Sue - o -