The History of Superhero Comic Books - part 1 By Jamie Coville Before Super Heroes Before there were Superhero comic books there were Funny Books. People called them "funny" books because inside were reprints of comic strips from newspapers, much like the Garfield or Calvin and Hobbs strips you read today. One of the first American funny books came over 100 years ago! In 1896 a book called The Yellow Kid came out. It was the first time a comic strip was printed into a pulp magazine. This trend continued when Dell Publishing put out the first issue of The Funnies in 1910. This book was published on a monthly basis. It was a big tabloid- sized book that was distributed by the news stands along with newspapers. In 1933, the first true "comic" book came out. It was called Funnies on Parade, and it appeared in the same 8" x 11" format that comic books are printed in today. There were 10,000 copies printed, all given away with coupons for Proctor & Gamble products. The idea for this came from George Janosik, Harry Wildenberg, and a salesman named M.C. Gaines. They got a contract with the McNaught and McClure Syndicates to reprint some of their comic strips. M.C. Gaines saw what a success these comics were, and continued printing more comics. Famous Funnies: a Carnival of Comics was the second M.C. Gaines comic book. Printed in 1933, it was 64 pages with a 10 cent price. It was the first retail comic that was distributed to the public. It was distributed only through chain department stores. M.C. Gaines and Eastern Color Printing worked together on creating it and got George Delacorte of Dell Publishing to publish the book. After the first issue, Dell Publishing (not seeing any profit) decided to stop publishing the comic. Eastern Color Printing then decided to publish the book themselves and got news stand distribution through the American News Company. In May 1934 (the comic was dated July), another first issue of Famous Funnies appeared on the news stands. It featured four pages each of several newspaper comic characters. After this issue, Famous Funnies was produced twice a month and distributed through news stands. It took several issues before Eastern Color saw any profit. Some of these stories did have somewhat ordinary heroes fighting crime, such as Dick Tracy, and The Shadow. But despite what wonderful gadgets they had, they were still 'ordinary' people. Another pre-Superman comic strip hero of sorts is Popeye. He was created by Elzie Segar and first appeared in a strip called Thimble Theater in 1929. While he didn't go out and fight crime, he did eat his spinach and displayed some 'above average' feats of human strength while fighting his nemesis Bluto. In February of 1935, New Fun Comics came out. The creator, Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson decided that he didn't want to pay the fees that the newspapers were charging for their old comic strip reprints. So he got new comic material that wasn't being published in the newspapers. National Allied Publications Inc. published New Fun Comics in a much bigger 10" x 15" tabloid size. New Fun would be the first comic book that a company later called "DC" would publish. It was the first comic book to contain advertisements. By issue #6 New Fun would increase their comic books to 64 pages, and in issue #6 was a team-up of two important people. Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster created a character known as Dr. Occult. They later created Superman. Dr. Occult had an earlier appearance under the name Dr. Mystic in The Comic Magazine, which came out in 1936. This comic is the first American publishing of The Phantom, who is now a world wide hero. The Phantom made his debut on February 17th, 1936 and he was the first costumed hero. He was created by Lee Falk, who still today is working on his stories. The Phantom was the kind of hero that despite his normal "human" capabilities, fought crime with bravery and death defying stunts. Many future heroes would follow his lead. Also in 1936 The Clock appeared in Funny Pages #6. The Clock was a masked detective; this is the first time a character used a mask to hide his face. Later on, masks would be used in most costumes so the hero could disguise his or her true identity. In March 1937, Detective Comics #1 came out. This comic was the first true DC comic book. This issue was the first production of two companies that formed the DC company. Comic producer Major Malcolm Wheeler wasn't making much money with his comic books (New Fun being one of them). So Wheeler collaborated with his printer/distributor Harry Donenfeld to produce this book. By 1938, Donenfeld bought out Wheeler's books to become the sole owner. DC is the longest running comic book title ever. This is due to another character who took over the title some time later... The Golden Age of Superheroes In June 1938, Action Comics #1 came out, featuring a man in a red and blue costume lifting a car over his head! This was Superman, the very first comic character to have powers far beyond a normal human being. Sure, Flash Gordon and The Shadow were neat, but they couldn't lift a car over their heads and throw it at someone! Nor could they let bullets bounce off their chests, or run faster than a train, or leap over tall buildings in a single bound. To say the least, Superman was a fitting name. When Siegel and Shuster were younger they tried pitching the Superman idea at newspapers and comics. One of their earliest proposals was a cartoon character called The Superman in 1933. They were constantly rejected, to the point that artist Joe Shuster once tore up his Superman artwork and stated that he'd redo the character properly if the time ever came. Today Superman is one of the 10 most recognized 'people' on the face of the planet. He has been in several movies, cartoons and TV series. Detective Comics #27 hit the stands in May, 1939. In it we saw the first appearance of Batman. While Superman was pure and clean, Batman was grim and gritty. In this comic, the villain fell into a vat of acid, which killed him. Not showing any remorse for causing the death, Batman observed "A fitting end for his kind." Batman was created by Bob Kane and has always remained in print. During a time when superhero comics were not so popular, Batman survived by focusing on his detective abilities, making his comic stories more of a mystery series than a superhero book. The reason Batman is so popular is because he is a compromise between the two types of heroes. He didn't have superpowers, but he did have an intellect, a costume, and neat gadgets that would put him on par with the superheroes. Batman has been put on the big and small screen several times in T.V series, movies, and cartoons. Also in May of 1939, Wonder Comics #1 came out. This title's star hero was called Wonderman (no relation to the Marvel character). His powers were virtually identical to Superman's. This got DC angry enough to file a copyright infringement case against the publisher, Victor Fox. The case went to court and the judge decided in DC's favor. There was a Wonder Comics #2, but no Wonderman in it, and that would be the last of this title's run. In the Summer of 1939, Superman continued to show his success. He was the very first hero to get a comic book fully devoted to telling his adventures. Up until this point, all comic books had a variety of characters and stories in them. Because of the success of this title, other comic characters are also given a chance with their own titles. In 1939, A book called Motion Pictures Funnies Weekly came out and in it would be Marvel Comics' first and longest running character, Prince Namor the Sub-Mariner. Namor would appear in an 8-page black and white story in the back of this comic. This same story would be expanded a little and would reappear in Marvel Comics #1. This Motion Pictures comic was supposed to be handed out free at movie theaters along the east coast of the States. Most theater chains turned down the book, so the amount of distribution is not known. @~More next issue - o -