Settlers 2 Tips (and a personal viewpoint) From Bev Truter Re the clues in a previous issue of SynTax, some might have been a hoax. Typing "V" does indeed appear to double the speed; but typing THUNDER does absolutely nothing, only puts up the post-office menu when you reach the "N", as that's the key for the post-office window. But the "V" method was quite helpful, makes everything run along at a very rapid rate. Another thing I noticed in S2 was that mines seem to get exhausted very quickly, and the farms only produce 4 or 5 circles of wheat at the most; and I *still* think S1 has much cuter graphics. However, the gameplay in S2 more than makes up for the decrease in cuteness, it's definitely trickier to "win" in S2, and the opponents are horribly strong. - o -