Star Trek: Final Frontier Audio tape - original book by Diane Carey Read by James Doohan with Leonard Nimoy As Star Trek stories go, this is an unusual one as the regular crew from the original Enterprise hardly feature at all. Spock introduces the tale, which he says takes place just after the death of Sister Edith Keeler during a time travel mission. Kirk had been unable to save her, because he would have changed history by doing so. This was all the more hard for him because he had fallen in love with her. As a result he was disillusioned with Star Fleet and was considering leaving the service. He was on leave and his mother had found some letters that his father, George Kirk, had written to him and his brother when they were both young and, Spock says, he settled down to read them ... The tape tells the story of Kirk's father who was on board the first Enterprise, captained by Robert April. On its first trip, heading to rescue a ship which has got into trouble, its engines somehow give an unexpected burst of power and they end up in the Neutral Zone - near a Romulan ship. The situation is very tense and not helped by the fact that, unknown to April and Kirk, there is a Romulan spy on board! I didn't expect to enjoy this as it featured relatively unknown characters, but the story was surprisingly gripping. The tape only lasts 90 minutes and I found the time went very quickly because there was so much happening. Sue - o -