Age of Empires Tips Opening Moves: Go Fishing! Veterans know that catching fish is the fastest, most efficient, and least expensive way for your villagers to gather food in the opening moves of the game. Gathering berries comes second, and hunting is a very poor third. If you have to gather berries, place a granary close by so that your villagers won't have far to walk; every step they have to take is another nail in your coffin if the other players are faster. This goes double for hunting. If you absolutely must hunt for food, circle around your quarry and drive the herd toward your town centre or storage pit so that when you bring down an animal, your villagers won't have to walk far with the meat. The clock is ticking double time when you hunt because the meat decays as it lies on the ground unattended. Today's Age of Empires Tip: Get Defensive: Run Away In the Stone and Tool Age stages of the game, there's an under- appreciated tactic: running away! A villager who runs away can rebuild elsewhere. If your main base is overrun, you can still recover. As long as you can escape the attack and still have enough wood to build a new storage pit, you can recover from just about anything in the early stages. - o -