ALIEN ABDUCTION Written by Charles Gerlach (9th 1996 Interactive Fiction Competition) - part of Disk 1063 Walk Through by Dorothy Millard (PC Tads Version) Coloured Shapes Puzzle ---------------------- 1. Turning a shape will make it change colour, and pushing it will make it change shape. There is a specific sequence of coloured shapes that the aliens are looking for, and the three spots that appear when you push the green button are clues as to what they're looking for. 2. A green spot means you have a correctly coloured shape in the correct position of the sequence. A yellow spot means you have a correctly coloured shape in the wrong place of the sequence. A red spot means that either the colour or the shape at a particular place is correct, but the other attribute is wrong. A black spot indicates that one of your pieces has missed the boat entirely. 3. The solution is randomised, so there is no magic sequence. You are not limited in the number of times you can press the green button, so press it after every move. If you've downgraded one of your colours (you used to have a green and two blacks, but now you have a red and two blacks), repeat your action twice more to cycle the piece back to its original state. If a green spot appears after one of your moves, leave the piece that you just moved alone. 4. When three green spots appear, a door will open, and you can go out. Walk Through ------------ (Start of hilltop), N (back door), N (kitchen where you see Maybel), EXAMINE MAYBEL, TALK TO MAYBEL, N (living room), EXAMINE RUG, EXAMINE STOVE, EXAMINE COUCH, EXAMINE BOOKS, W (bedroom), EXAMINE CLOTHES, EXAMINE BED, MAKE BED, GET CAMERA, EXAMINE CAMERA, GET PHOTO, EXAMINE PHOTO (of a UFO), GET PICTURES, EXAMINE PICTURES, E, S, S, S, S (path), SE (finish up in the white room of the alien ship), WAIT, WAIT, WAIT (alien enters), WAIT, WAIT, EXAMINE SQUARE, SAY "YELLOW" (alien turns it), SAY "RED" (alien turns it again), SAY "BLUE" (now see a grey sphere), SAY "SPHERE" (now becomes a pyramid), SAY "PYRAMID" (turns into a cube), SAY "CUBE", WAIT (three coloured shapes appear before you), PRESS BUTTON, TURN CUBE, PUSH CUBE, PRESS BUTTON, TURN SPHERE, PUSH SPHERE, PRESS BUTTON, TURN PYRAMID, PUSH PYRAMID, PRESS BUTTON (keep trying until all three spots are green when the door will open - see note above to solve this random puzzle), OUT (to hill top). N (back porch), NW (garden), EXAMINE WELL, GET ROPE (you haul the bucket out of the well), GET BUCKET, EXAMINE BUCKET (full of water), GET HOE, EXAMINE HOE (broken beyond repair), SE, N, N (living room where your dad is sitting on the couch), TALK TO DAD, ASK DAD ABOUT MOM, W (bedroom), EXAMINE CYLINDER (has a keypad on the side), E, ASK DAD ABOUT CYLINDER (note the code he gives you), ASK DAD ABOUT MOM, ASK DAD ABOUT POP (note robot), ASK DAD ABOUT WIRES (you hear a click), SEARCH FOR CLICK (it's coming from your dad - he's actually a robot), TOUCH HEAD (you have wires in your head), PULL WIRE, W (bedroom), TYPE XXXX ON PAD (where XXXX is the code that dad gave you - a large section of the metal cylinder becomes transparent), LOOK THROUGH WINDOW (see yourself), E. N (driveway where you see a big blue Pontiac), EXAMINE CAR (keys are in the ignition), GET IN CAR, DRIVE CAR (into town), GET OUT, EXAMINE STORE, S (inside), EXAMINE POP, GIVE HOE TO POP, ASK POP ABOUT DUCK (tells you it's in the fork behind your house), ASK POP ABOUT DAD, N, EXAMINE LIBRARY, N, GET IN CAR, DRIVE CAR (back home), GET OUT (driveway), S (living room), ASK DAD ABOUT LIBRARY, S, S, S, S, SW (woods), EXAMINE CONTRAPTION (see axe and crystalline duck), EXAMINE CYLINDER, EXAMINE DUCK, EXAMINE WINDOW, EXAMINE AXE, GET DUCK (you are bruised but obtain the duck), NE (meet alien who injects you. you awaken in the woods near the contraption), EXAMINE CONTRAPTION (duck's back in place), EXAMINE CYLINDER (axe is there too), EXAMINE AXE (real this time), POUR WATER IN CYLINDER (covers the duck), GET DUCK, NE, N, N, N, N, N (driveway), GET IN CAR, DRIVE CAR (into town), GET OUT, S (inside Pop's), GIVE DUCK TO POP (he gives you a new hoe), N, N (public library), EXAMINE DESK, EXAMINE DESK, EXAMINE DESK (see two newspaper articles), GET ARTICLES, READ ARTICLES, S, GET IN CAR, DRIVE CAR, GET OUT (driveway), SW (garden), EXAMINE GARDEN (see an ugly clump of dirt at the edge), HOE GARDEN, GET CLOD, NE, S (living room), GIVE ARTICLES TO DAD (he says they're not real), TELL DAD ABOUT CYLINDER (he goes into the bedroom), W (he storms out). E, S, S, S (hilltop where you see dad), EXAMINE TREE, READ INITIALS, WAIT, WAIT, S (path bends), SW (woods), PUT CLOD IN CYLINDER (triggers the axe), PRY AXE WITH HOE (it comes free), GET AXE, EXAMINE AXE (feels real), NE, N (back to hilltop), GIVE AXE TO DAD (he chops at the tree), WAIT (inside the tree was a metal tower. an alien appears), ATTACK ALIEN WITH HOE (you are escorted to the asylum), WAIT (Were you hallucinating?), WAIT, EXAMINE ME (the bruise is still there), PULL WIRE (you lose consciousness. you awaken in the clearing where you saw the ship), EXAMINE ME, GET RECENT PICTURES (off the ground). THE END - o -