EverQuest Help Improve Your Faction Standings One feature of EverQuest displays your faction standing whenever it changes. There are more than 300 factions in the game, and each one tracks your individual faction standing. You can improve your faction standing with one faction by killing that faction's enemies. For instance, human guards will usually whack a troll on sight. But if your troll character kills enough gnolls, humans will welcome you into the city with open arms. Stop Harassing Me! Too bad this one doesn't work in real life. What can you do if a player character is following you around and spamming you with the address of his porn site instead of playing the game, and you're not strong enough to stomp him flat? First of all, you can type /ignore character name. This will make you effectively deaf to anything else that character has to say. If someone is really stepping outside the boundaries of the game, you can type /report followed by a concise description of the problem, including the name of your tormentor, and let the Games Master take care of it. Tracking for Beginners Just starting out? Try rolling up a ranger first. They have the advantage of tracking skill, which helps them hunt down appropriate prey while levelling up. - o -