Edifice (Part of Disk 1214 and on this issue's disk) Solution by Nick Edmunds level one >take rock >x edifice >x recess >hit recess with rock >open door >e >e >n >n >climb flat rock >drink water >get off flat rock >n >climb tree >hit branch with rock >d >x branch >pull twisty branches >break branch >take stick >sharpen stick >s >s >throw spear at stump ( repeat until "You hit your target with uncanny accuracy") >take spear >s (to beast) >throw spear at beast >cut beast >cut meat >n >n >strip branches >put twigs on flat >hit rock with rock >flat >put meat on fire >wait x 5 >take meat >eat meat >s >s >w >u >open door level two >e >x firepit >x bones >e >w >s >x trees >x bark >take bark >n >n >take berries >drop rock, spear >ne >crush berries >dip bone in berries >draw leaf on bark with bone >show picture to stranger >point at boy >cough >stranger, ne rema akne >stranger, rakasha >sw >s >e >n >w level three >up >open door >e >n >ne >n >take fruit >s >sw >give fruit to horse >u >jump >x horse >hold mane >lean forward >wait x3 >lean left >pull mane left X2 >wait (until horse slows) >take off headdress >put headdress on horse >w >d >d >e - o -