Free ISPs? The debate continues Comment from Steve Provost Up until a few weeks ago I had been enjoying totally free access to the internet via X-Stream and IC24. Since I mentioned this in the last issue, the 0800 free trial from X-stream has been `temporarily' unavailable due to the tremendous problems they're having with the launch of their sister ISP LibertySurf. What a complete disaster, you'd think a company the size of Kingfisher would have made available enough resources to have coped with the situation. I almost bought the CD; I thought Kingfisher, Comet, they should be OK, but I'm glad I held back now. Once they sort things out it'll probably be a decent service but I can't really see them running the two in parallel, what would be the point? IC24 is still available at weekends but I'm usually too busy during the day to be able to take full advantage of their service, I just use it for the odd hour or so when I can. I've had an account with Global Internet for the last three years, the first two years (pre Freeserve) cost œ105 p.a. plus call charges, now I'm only paying for my calls. I've had very few problems with them and connection is almost always first time. I'd like to stay with them but they haven't made any moves towards an unmetered service as yet. I'm studying with the Open University so I need to access the net frequently and for long periods of time to collect course material, for conferencing and research. Even at off-peak rates and with BT's best friend discount, the bill soon mounts up. With unmetered access I can relax and research at my leisure without worrying about the cost. What I have to be careful about in choosing an unmetered ISP from the current offerings is the level of service that they offer. In my case, can I access JANET via their servers? - some are blocked e.g. RedHotAnt, which is no good to me or anyone else with the same requirements. The ISP industry is in a state of flux at the moment and until it sorts itself out and something better comes along I'm going to stick with Global's reliable service. The old adage still applies: you only get what you pay for. AltaVista put the cat amongst the pigeons, stood back and watched while other providers jumped on the bandwagon and almost committed commercial suicide. The heat is dying off now and guess who have emerged from their hidey-hole? And the package doesn't seem all that great after all, does it? @~See also Carolyn's letter ... Sue - o -