HUNTER, IN DARKNESS On this issue's disk and part of Disk 1311 A Text Adventure written by: Dave Ahl JR Solution submitted by: Tom Lorimer Let's start by doing an Inventory. Examine crossbow. Right. Examine pit. Climb down pit. Examine arc. Examine right pillar. Examine claw. Shoot crossbow at claw. Cock crossbow. Shoot crossbow at claw. Climb rope. Swing rope. Drop rope. Examine shape. Examine clothes. Take clothes. Bandage hands with strips. Down. Forward - Eleven times. Note: If you wish to make your way through these caves on your own, use the "Smell" command and follow the creatures scent. If you can't be bothered, then just carry on with the directions below. Left. Ahead. Left. Right. Left. Smell. Down. Examine creature. Take bolt. Load bolt in crossbow. Cock crossbow. Shoot crossbow at creature. Climb down slope. Cross crevice. Back. Remove bandage. Wait - five times. Cross crevice. Wait - three times. Up. Examine creature. Up. Congratulations, you've finally managed to defeat the creature. - o -