Phlegm (A text adventure by Jason Dyer - part of Disk 1174) Reviewed by Bev Truter Oooh Yes!!! This short little game is exactly my style of thing, and it's the first 1996 I-F Competition game I've played that has appealed to me so much. PHLEGM (no, I couldn't fathom the title either) is a small 8-location jobbie, written with Inform, and contains several mind-bogglingly silly puzzles to solve and several ludicrous objects to find and use. It's reminiscent of Douglas Adams mixed with a dollop of Monty Python, and here's the author's short introduction to warn you what to expect if you fancy playing it: "This is a ludicrous game. It is impossible to make mistakes that will prevent you from winning. Common sense should be avoided whenever possible .. Life. Death. Aerosol deodorants. For many years philosophers have pondered these great mysteries. Now you are about to ponder the greatest mystery of all ..." Actually, there turns out to be no great mystery at all, unless it's the ending; but this is definitely one of those games you play for the sheer entertainment of the playing, never mind about the ending. This is a light, fluffy souffl' of a game, with not a single serious thought in its head or point of view to hammer home. It's fun, it's amusing, it's charming, it's easy to play and it has a built-in hint system if you're stuck. Here's the gist of the plot (yes, it even has a plot!): You begin in the Town Square, gazing at a wooden chest lodged firmly in a tree above your head. Apparently it contains The Treasure Of Phlegm. There's a cannon nearby, pointed directly at the tree, and all you have to do is find a projectile to load in the cannon, something combustible to make it fire, and something to light the fuse at the cannon's rear. Simple, you think? Not so, for nothing works out quite as you expect it to. You have a small pet lemming (snoozing in your coat pocket) called Leo, and he plays a vital role in the game. There are 8 delightful locations to visit, each containing several original puzzles, and a lovely sub-quest involving a search for The Four Magic Crayons Of Destiny. I particularly liked the Mayan Ruins and The End Of The World - and yes, there *is* a restaurant there. PHLEGM ends when you manage to dislodge the chest from the tree. And what exactly is the Treasure of Phlegm inside the chest? Aaah, play the game and find out for yourself. - o -