Realm of Harkom Vol 1 : The Axe of Fargrim (RPG on Disk 432) Reviewed by Graham Raven I have to admit it, the second I discovered that Fargrim was a Bard's Tale Construction kit game my heart sank somewhat. The background story I like. It certainly had enough going for it to get me interested. There are five cities in the game, each having many locations to explore. There are stores, temples, Inns, dungeons, a good selection of races and professions to choose from, and if you decide to be a magic user, there are enough spells to 'cobble dogs with'*. * Apparently an old Lincolnshire saying, which after living with a Lincolnshire lass for over twenty years I still can't make sense of, but it refers to 'having a surfeit', an excess, being in possession of such an over-abundance of something, that you have even enough to cobble dogs with! There is a lot of potential for developing your character in this game, an essential element to any RPG in my opinion, learning different spells and skills, and improving your hit points, etc. So with such a potentially enthralling game, where can it go wrong? The Mode of Combat is absurd! Sorry, I know that many will disagree vehemently, including some games programmers who still use it in their 'state of the art' games, but I for one have never been able to get my head around 'round by round' fighting. Oh my goodness the orcs are attacking, there's hoards of them, they're everywhere - arrgghhh! They're all over us! Quick! What do we do? I know, you make a cup of tea whilst I nip to the loo, oh yes, and make some toast on the way back - make mine wholemeal yeah!? Then we can spend the next ten minutes deciding who's going to do what. Should I use Fireballs or would an Ice Storm be better? By rights, the orcs should be squabbling over who picks your bones clean by now! Throwing caution to the wind in what ought to be an immediate 'do or die' effort, I press 'A' for party attack every time, and the program says okay, and what about party member two then, what do they want to do? Hmm, really? Okay, what about party member three? Attack the ****** orcs! Kill them, stab them, cut their heads off! By now we all ought to be dead! Yes, I know, I should have read the manual! Am I mad or doesn't 'Party Attack' obviously mean 'Your party attacks!' Hmm well no, absurdly enough 'Party Attack' does not mean anything like 'The Party Attacks', ah no, that would be far too sensible. 'Party Attack' means that you want to attack another member of your own party, as you would, of course? I'll admit that I only endured two encounters with bad guys. Not, I hasten to add, because I was killed off, but because that was all I could stand before giving up! My final rating took into account how good the game could so easily have been had the fighting taken place in real time, plus the fact that it didn't (plus the fact that I was on holiday, in a good mood and being unreasonably generous!) Rating: Faintly Biscuit. - o -