Thief 1 and 2 Tips From Andrew Wielochowski OK, for all you Taffers out there. Here are my thief tips for both Thief 1 and 2. Thief ----- Flash bombs are your friend. When suspecting trouble ready your blackjack and hit F6 to ready your flash bomb. Wait till the guard is close, look up, hit R to drop the bomb then clobber the stunned guard! Crouch before you jump or fall off a ledge. It'll result in a very quiet landing. Look up THIEF SWORD FIGHTING 101 on the net. Garrett ain't the weakling he is made out to be. I don't usually get in sword fights, but my method is use flash bombs first if that don't work run around in circles slashing him. Garrett can double his speed by jumping and running. Try to use a GAS arrow for more taking out more than 1 person. Haunts and ghosts can be taken out with one above the head hit from a sword. Play the game on Expert .. I cannot stress this enough! Thief 2 ------- Flashing bombs are doubly as good. But can also null your vision. Follow the previous steps. Except looking up is now vital. Else just run vaguely towards the guard swinging the blackjack. Robots can be taken out using water arrows, fire arrows, mines and gas arrows. Fire water arrows into the red window at their back. 1 for small robots 2 for big. A fire arrow anywhere, a gas arrow into the small window and a mine on the floor. The Bank is a bugger of a level! Get yourself plenty of moss arrows. Once again... Play EXPERT! - o -