FROBOZZ MAGIC SUPPORT An Interactive Short Fantasy by Nate Cull - part of Disk 1069 Walk Through by Dorothy Millard (PC Tads Version) Notes 1. To work out which way to go in the forest of eternal chaos: * LISTEN (the way out is always toward the sound - true south) * EXAMINE SKY (the way out is always toward the sun if not obscured by the trees - true south) * EXAMINE TREE (the tree will either be towering, have a carved arrow, or moss) * X ARROW (the way out is always in the direction of the arrow) * EXAMINE MOSS (moss always grows on the "north side of forest trees," so the way out is always opposite the growing moss side - true south) * EXAMINE FOOTPRINTS (the footprints always lead deeper into the woods, so the way out is always opposite the footprints) 2. Reading the runes: * The 2 letter words are OF, ON, IN, and IT * The 3 letter words are THE, AND, and GET * The 6 digit word is the spell that you learned) Walk Through (Start inside the white cube), INVENTORY (carrying a granola bar and a log book), EXAMINE GRANOLA BAR, EXAMINE LOG BOOK, OPEN BOOK (an animated burin flutters out), .... (enter your name), YES (score 5/5), ASK BURIN ABOUT LOG BOOK, EXAMINE COMPASS, LOOK IN SPHERE (you are a novice magic support clerk), TOUCH SPHERE (you are transported to a barren windswept plain where a maiden calls for help but you don't have the means yet - score 5/10), TOUCH SPHERE (ocean), TOUCH SPHERE (darkness), TOUCH SPHERE (mountain peak), TOUCH SPHERE (chasm), TOUCH SPHERE (bottom of crater - the backward writing reads "use the old key not the new key"). EXAMINE ROSE (compass is pointing west), W (main entrance of college campus), OPEN MAILBOX (reveals an envelope and a syllabus - score 5/15), GET ALL FROM MAILBOX, READ BOOK (score 5/20), READ SYLLABUS THEN DROP IT (clues), EXAMINE ENVELOPE THEN OPEN IT (reveals a crisp vellum scroll and a packing slip), GET ALL FROM ENVELOPE, EXAMINE SCROLL, READ SLIP THEN DROP IT (it's a Rezrov spell in a resealable magic envelope which prevents magic leakage), W (crater), EXAMINE VAULT (an iron key sits in the keyhole with a note attached), GET IRON KEY, READ NOTE THEN DROP IT (new master key), E, SW (scenic overlook), EXAMINE CRATER, EXAMINE RIM, READ SIGNPOST (no littering), DROP KEY (it vanishes), NE, W (back to crater), WAIT (until a rusty iron key falls from above - now an old key as mentioned previously), GET KEY, UNLOCK VAULT WITH KEY (your master key has been age-verified), DROP KEY (score 15/35), OPEN VAULT (reveals a silver slide rule) GET SLIDE RULE THEN EXAMINE IT. E (main entrance where you see the white cube), EXAMINE WHITE CUBE, READ WHITE CUBE (self-blorpling dimension gate), TOUCH CUBE (now inside the white cube), TOUCH SPHERE, TOUCH SPHERE (to barren, windswept plain), EXAMINE ROSE (compass points northward), N (crossroads), E (army camp), GET BLACK CUBE (score 5/40 - note the burin screams in agony and dives back into the log book), W, EXAMINE BLACK CUBE (has a tiny legend embossed on one face) READ BLACK CUBE (antimagic), PUT BLACK CUBE IN ENVELOPE, CLOSE ENVELOPE, OPEN BOOK (the burin flutters out), NW (outside tower), EXAMINE TOWER, U (atop the tower), EXAMINE CHIMNEY, ENTER CHIMNEY (are you sure?), YES (you slide down to inside the tower where you see the princess), EXAMINE PRINCESS, KISS PRINCESS, GIVE SCROLL TO PRINCESS (she runs outside and vanishes - score 10/50), ENTER FIREPLACE (something crunches underfoot), LOOK IN FIREPLACE (see a grey cube), GET GREY CUBE THEN EXAMINE IT, READ GREY CUBE (bubble bath), LOOK, GET BLINDFOLD THEN EXAMINE IT, BURIN, LOG TASK (score10/60). SE, SE, E (crossroads), TOUCH WHITE CUBE (inside), TOUCH SPHERE (swimming in the depths of the ocean), EXAMINE ROSE (compass points eastward), E, DROP GREY CUBE (see a single giant bubble - score 5/65), EXAMINE BUBBLE, ENTER BUBBLE, D (under the ocean where a shark swims by), EXAMINE SHARK, OPEN ENVELOPE, GET BLACK CUBE, GIVE BLACK CUBE TO SHARK (shark swallows it and turns into an enchanter - score 10/75), U (see the enchanter drying himself off), EXIT (he gives you back the black cube), PUT BLACK CUBE IN ENVELOPE, CLOSE ENVELOPE, LOOK AT ENCHANTER (he gives you a spell - 5/80), SPELLS (it is a qwerty spell), OPEN BOOK, BURIN, LOG TASK (score 10/90), TOUCH WHITE CUBE (inside), TOUCH SPHERE, TOUCH SPHERE, TOUCH SPHERE (clinging to the edge of a bridge above a vast chasm), EXAMINE ROSE (compass pointing southward), S (end of path), READ SIGN (forest of eternal chaos temporarily under enchantment), N (the forest changes as you enter - see note two to work out which way to go).. (true north - deeper into the forest where you find the tourist who wants you to get him out), EXAMINE TOURIST, TOURIST, ...... (true south - the tourist leaves and the forest changes), ...... (go true south - the bored tourist leans against a tree), TOURIST ...... (true south - you should here a crashing sound as the tourist leaves the forest and the forest changes - score 5/95), ...... (go true south - to end of path and you have now escaped from the forest where you should either meet a bored tourist looking lost or the tourist has gone south - score 10/105), TOURIST, S (if he hasn't already), S (bridge over chasm), EXAMINE CHASM (see a glitter of gold on the other side), EXAMINE BRIDGE (damaged and only reaches halfway across the chasm), GIVE BLINDFOLD TO TOURIST (note if the tourist wanders off simply go north and tell him to go south again), TOURIST, WEAR BLINDFOLD (he gives you a strange look but puts it on), EXAMINE RAINBOW (the bridge used to go south, but the rainbow is southeast and spans the chasm), TOURIST, SE (he crosses the rainbow, grabs the gold, throws something in your direction and dances off into the mist - score 10/115), WAIT (a gold Zorkmid lands at your feet), GET COIN THEN EXAMINE IT, BURIN, LOG TASK (score 10/125). N, TOUCH CUBE (inside), TOUCH SPHERE, TOUCH SPHERE, TOUCH SPHERE, TOUCH SPHERE, TOUCH SPHERE (darkness), EXAMINE ROSE (compass points downwards), D (corridor), W (dead end where you see a dented vending machine), EXAMINE MACHINE, READ PLAQUE, EXAMINE BLACK BUTTON (on left side - jammed), EXAMINE LEFT CHUTE (contains a complex mechanism), PUT GRANOLA BAR IN LEFT CHUTE (the complex mechanism pushes it back), PUT COIN IN SLOT, BURIN, PUSH BLACK BUTTON (something clatters into the right chute - score 10/135), GET ALL FROM RIGHT CHUTE (gold Zorkmid and iron disc), EXAMINE DISK, PUT DISK IN SLOT, PUSH RED BUTTON (something clatters from the right chute), GET ALL FROM RIGHT CHUTE (battery - score 5/140), EXAMINE BATTERY. E, TOUCH CUBE (inside), OPEN ENVELOPE (the black cube vaporises, the crystal sphere tumbles to the floor and the compass rose bursts into a flower of flame), GET ROSE (score 10/150), D, S (curving passage we only need the burning rose, to get through this one room), SE (dark chamber where you meet a terrified adventurer - score 10/160), GIVE BATTERY TO ADVENTURER (score 5/165), GET OLD LAMP, OPEN BOOK, BURIN, LOG TASK (score 10/175), READ SCRAWLED LETTERING, NW, N (note the white cube will last only two moves after you enter it), TOUCH CUBE (inside - note the sphere splits into shards and if you take too long will be useless), TOUCH SPHERE (to peak of mountain), U (outside temple - the white cube vaporises). DROP ENVELOPE, EXAMINE TEMPLE, READ RUNES, READ BOOK, NE (temple containing a transparent crystalline cube), EXAMINE CUBE. PUT LAMP ON CUBE, PUT SLIDE ON CUBE, PUT COIN ON CUBE, PUT BOOK ON CUBE, CAST QWERTY (a bold of thunder rumbles overhead), CAST QWERTY (sky darkens), CAST QWERTY (lightening), CAST QWERTY (blue lightening arcs through the roof and strikes the cube. now inside the tesseract - score 10/185), WAIT, WAIT, WAIT (score 10/195), WAIT, WAIT (score 5/200). SCORE 200/200 - Rank Zorkbringer. - o -