Ghost Riders of El Diablo John Olsen Part of Disk 743 Walk Through by Dorothy Millard (PC Version) Silver Objects: 1. Silver Bullet - Examine table in newspaper office. 2. Silver Bar - In safe. 3. Pocket Watch - Examine shelf behind bar. 4. Silver Dollar - Spin wheel in saloon. 5. Silver Belt Buckle - Examine desk in school house. 6. Silver Crucifix - Examine pews in church. 7. Silver Watch Fob - Examine desk in saloon office. 8. Silver Nugget - Examine chimney in shack. 9. Silver Spur - Dig in hay in stables. 10. Sheriff's Star - Examine cot in jail cell. INDIAN CHIEF - (Start in a hot dusty valley with your hands tied and a noose around your neck), UNTIE HANDS (they are looser), UNTIE HANDS (the knots come apart and you loosen the noose about your neck just in time), S (you hear Indian tom-toms coming from the top of the plateau, calling you and drawing you towards it), U (to top of plateau where you see the Ghost of an Indian Chief), EXAMINE CHIEF (you discover your quest to return ten silver treasures in order that the big chief will lift the curse on the town), D, N, N, READ SIGN (Welcome to El Diablo), N, N, EXAMINE RAIL, E (into saloon), EXAMINE MIRROR, SPIN roulette WHEEL (a silver dollar wedged inside falls to the floor), GET DOLLAR, EXAMINE DOLLAR, E (behind bar), EXAMINE SHELF (you find a silver pocket watch on the bottom shelf), GET WATCH, EXAMINE WATCH. SALOON - W, W, W (into the general store), EXAMINE STOVE, GET KEROSENE, EXAMINE SHELVES (you see a hacksaw handle), GET HANDLE, E, S, W (into sheriff's office), EXAMINE POSTER, EXAMINE DESK (you find a dried chocolate cake in one of the drawers), GET CAKE, EXAMINE CAKE (brittle), BREAK CAKE (a hacksaw blade was hidden inside), GET BLADE, INSERT BLADE IN HANDLE, E, N, E (to saloon), U (to top of stairs where a rusty padlock is on the door), SAW PADLOCK (using the hacksaw - the broken padlock falls to the floor and the door swings open), DROP HACKSAW, E (into saloon office), EXAMINE PICTURE (shows a picture of a man locked in jail laughing), EXAMINE WINDOW, EXAMINE DESK (you find a silver watch fob in the desk drawer), GET FOB, EXAMINE FOB, W, D, W (to main street). SILVER OBJECTS - N, W (newspaper office), EXAMINE TABLE (you find a silver bullet underneath), GET BULLET, EXAMINE BULLET, E, S, S, S, S, S, U (to top of plateau), DROP DOLLAR, DROP FOB, DROP BULLET, DROP WATCH, D, N, N, N, N, N, N, E (to school house), EXAMINE DESK (you find a silver belt buckle in a desk drawer), GET BUCKLE, EXAMINE BUCKLE, W, N (to crossroads), READ SIGNPOST, E (to wagon wheel gap), GET HORSESHOE, EXAMINE HORSESHOE, DROP HORSESHOE, N (to rattlesnake gulch), GET ARROWHEADS, EXAMINE ARROWHEADS (flint), EXAMINE CACTUS, S, W, S, W (into church - don't pull the rope yet), EXAMINE PEWS (underneath you find a silver crucifix), GET CRUCIFIX, EXAMINE CRUCIFIX, E, S, S, S, E (into livery stables), GET BOTTLE, EXAMINE BOTTLE (horse liniment - leave it), DROP BOTTLE, DIG (in the hay to find a silver spur), GET SPUR, EXAMINE SPUR, W, S, S, S, U (to top of plateau), DROP CRUCIFIX, DROP BUCKLE, DROP SPEAR, D. GHOST RIDERS - N, N, N, N, N, N, W (to church), WAIT (until midnight and you get the message that the ghost riders are almost upon you), PULL ROPE (the bell rings and the ghost riders leave - the rope falls down), GET ROPE, E (a violent storm prevents you from leaving, so you take refuge in the old church), WAIT (it is now dawn and safe to leave), E, S, S, S, S, S. MINE - W (to wild horse canyon), N (into shack), EXAMINE CHIMNEY, (you see a nugget of silver wedged up in the chimney), GET NUGGET, EXAMINE NUGGET, S, READ SIGN (Silver Bucket Mine), S (into mouth of mine), EXAMINE SPIKE, TIE ROPE TO SPIKE, GET LANTERN, EXAMINE LANTERN, PUT KEROSENE IN LANTERN, DROP empty CAN, LIGHT LANTERN (using the flint arrowheads), DROP ARROWHEADS, D (to bottom of mine shaft), GET KEG (of gunpowder), EXAMINE KEG, U, N, E, E, N, N, N, N, E (into bank), EXAMINE SAFE, DROP KEG, LIGHT KEG (from the lit lamp - you run for cover as the keg explodes and now see a bar of pure silver), GET BAR, EXAMINE BAR. JAIL CELL/LIFTING THE CURSE - W, N, N, E, N, U (to cemetery - the flash flood has revealed a large skeleton key), GET KEY, EXAMINE CROSSES, D, S, W, S, S, S, S, W (into sheriff's office), UNLOCK DOOR (with skeleton key), W (into jail cell), EXAMINE COT (under it you find the sheriff's silver star), GET STAR, EXAMINE STAR, E, E, S, S, S, U (the ghost of the Indian Chief appears, takes all the silver objects and gives you a piece of turquoise, telling you to put it on the graves to lift the curse), D, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, E, N, U (to cemetery), DROP TURQUOISE (as the turquoise strikes the hard earth there is a sudden clap of thunder... all at once everything is getting bright). CONGRATULATIONS on lifting the curse of El Diablo and surviving your Nightmare from the Crypt. - o -