LESSON OF THE TORTOISE Written by G. Kevin Wilson (1997) - part of Disk 1211 Walk Through by Dorothy Millard (PC Tads Version) (Start on the road home with a tortoise on its back beside the road), EXAMINE TORTOISE (trying to flip itself over), TURN TORTOISE, INVENTORY (carrying a hoe), EXAMINE HOE, S (outside your home where a serpent rears in front of you), EXAMINE SERPENT (ready to strike), HIT SERPENT WITH HOE (it slithers away), E (downstairs - you hear a moan upstairs), EXAMINE PAINTINGS, EXAMINE SHRINE, U (your bedroom where you find your wife in bed with Long Gen who hits you. You awake in the cellar), EXAMINE CHEST, OPEN CHEST (reveals a puzzle box), GET PUZZLE, EXAMINE PUZZLE, PUSH SUN, PUSH MOON, PUSH SUN, PULL PANEL (lid opens revealing a fortune cookie), GET COOKIE, BREAK COOKIE (a mist pours out and forms into a ghostly apparition of your grandfather - he gives you a magic pebble and tells you how to escape), E (older area of the cellar), GET WEDDING DRESS (feel something hard). EXAMINE DRESS (neatly folded), UNFOLD DRESS (a chopstick falls to the ground), GET CHOPSTICK, EXAMINE CHOPSTICK, W, SCRAPE WALL WITH CHOPSTICK (you scrape away the mortar), S (you scramble through the hole to your garden where a tortoise sits near the pond), EXAMINE POND, EXAMINE TORTOISE, TALK TO TORTOISE (he turns you into a fish - see a puzzle box and a magic pebble), GET PEBBLE (in your mouth), EXAMINE PEBBLE (allows its holder to talk with animals), WAIT (a large shape enters the pond and you are swept up inside it. as a fish you are trapped in a bucket), WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, WAIT (the bucket is in the kitchen where Min is asked to cook and serve the fish tonight), GIVE PEBBLE TO MIN (you spit it out and she picks it up), TALK TO MIN (she will help), MIN, TAKE BUCKET, MIN, N (downstairs where Wang Li and Wang Su are seated at a table), MIN, GIVE PEBBLE TO WANG LI (he asks what it is for), TALK TO WANG LI (you tell him you are his father and return to human form). THE END - o -