Atlantis 2 A SynTax Helpline Query How do I follow Wu's directions? Meet him where he specified in the Turtle Chamber. He first instructs you to establish the four directions. Talk to him again when you are done. Follow his next instructions not by turning the dial on the bowl, but by walking along the floor pattern. The first one is the most important since it establishes the starting point by which all the rest are based. Where is the starting position? Only one way to solve this puzzle follows his directions exactly. "Facing in the direction indicated by the mountain, he immediately comes to a crossroad. The turtle should leave the lake and swim in the direction of the mountain." Turn left from the bowl and step twice. This will position you on the yellow block which lines up with the left side of the window. This is the starting point. Turn to face Wu so you are pointed in "the direction of the mountain". Now what? Tell Wu you are ready by asking about the floor again. With each of his next instructions, turn in the indicated direction and walk that way until he gives another direction. First he tells you to turn in the "direction indicated by the pagoda". The pagoda is on the right, so turn right and step once. Next, go in the "direction indicated by the plain". The plain is opposite the mountain so turn right and step to the outer edge once. Continue following his instructions or see the diagram in the screenshots section. - o -