Final Fantasy VII - Part 6 Walkthrough by Keeks @~Continued from last issue 16. Gongaga Town/ Cosmo Canyon Your next goal should be to head south from the Golden Saucer across the river to a forested area. Go into the black structure (it's called Jungle, for some reason). Reno and Rude are here. After Elena shows up and alerts the other Turks to your presence, you'll be asked a question. No matter what your answer is, you'll have to fight Reno and Rude at the same time. RENO LV: 22 HP: 2000 MP: 80 RUDE LV: 23 HP: 2000 MP: 135 Use Summoning spells to even the odds at the start of the round, then go after either one. Once you injure one enough times, he'll leave, then the other one will. It may be better to attack Rude, since he can heal himself and Reno, but then again, Reno can inflict more damage. In any case, this fight isn't too hard either way. You'll get a Fairy Tail and a X Potion should you win the battle. After the Turks leave, head northeast, then go north to reach a pile of scrapped machinery. As you're looking around, Scarlet and Tseng show up in the Shinra helicopter and talk about 'Huge Materia' (which you'll learn more about in Disc 2). After they leave, examine the area where Scarlet was standing and choose the bottom option to get the 'Summon Titan' materia. Then go back to the first area and head left. In the second area, there is a DeathBlow materia near the left path (which returns you to the World Map). If you take the north path, you'll arrive at Gongaga Town. Be sure to visit the stores (don't forget that you can climb up the pole in the Accessory Shop to reach a room where you can buy weapons) and get the treasure chests from the inn (X Potion) and the old man's house (White Megaphone). If you go into the far right house, you'll meet an old couple who apparently know Cloud (or someone just like him), and someone else named Zack. When you're done here, return to the World Map. Head southwest, then turn toward the river and go over the shallows, and then make your way up through the mountains to reach Cosmo Canyon. If you try to drive past the town, the buggy will short out, so you don't really have any choice but to enter the town (and you can't get anywhere else without the buggy, so even if you didn't drive it past Cosmo Canyon and entered on foot, it wouldn't matter....) When you approach the man at the gate, Red 13 will talk to him (he'll either bound up the steps past your party if he's not with you, or he'll just leave your party and start talking if he was with you previously). Everyone here knows Red 13 by the name 'Nanaki'. After Red heads up the stairs, talk to the guard and choose the bottom option to be let into the town (Red 13 will reappear to make sure you guys get in). If he was in your party, you'll have the option to make a new team; otherwise, you can look around town freely. Don't miss the Save Point located in the Tigerlily Arms Shop. In the Item Shop, there is a passage with a red rope across it that prevents you from checking out the room in the back. Keep this place in mind because if you return to Cosmo Canyon in Disc 2 or 3, the rope will have been removed and you can get an Elixir, a Magic Up, and the Full Cure materia orb from the back room. Eventually head up to the observatory, where you'll run into Red 13 and Buugen Haagen, an old geezer who knows all kinds of things. After Red 13 leaves, go back down and talk to your friends in order to make a new party. Then talk to Red 13 in the room connected to the inn before returning to the observatory. Enter the side door, chat with Buugen Haagen, and you'll see a short FMV sequence. When it's over, return to the large bonfire to the right of the entrance. Your friends are here. Talk to everyone here, then chat with Red 13 a second time. Buugen Haagen will show up, and you'll make a new group (with Red 13 as a permanent member). If you want someone else, just talk to another ally (it doesn't matter which one). Follow Buugen Haagen back to the sealed door above the weapons shop and talk to him, then choose the top option. He'll open the door for you. Enter and climb down to the very bottom of the shaft. In the next area, head right and up until you reach the third hole. * Enter it and you'll be given an option. Pick the top one to make an opening appear nearby. Go through it, then head up and left. You'll slide on the oil and hit a spiked wall, reducing every member's HP by 500 points. Then go south, through the hole, and head right to reach the Combination materia you couldn't get in the first area (Additional Effect). Go back and carefully _walk_ along the edge of the path to avoid slipping across the oil. Then go right, up, left, down the stairs, and through the underpassage to reach a chest with an Ether inside of it. Then return to the stairs and go left, then down to find a second chest containing a Black Megaphone. Then climb back up the stairs and head to the upper-left to leave this area. * If you enter any of the other three holes, you'll be given the same option, but if you choose the top choice, you'll be attacked. Doing this doesn't seem to alter the level in any way, but you're better off doing this after you've cleared the _whole_ area out instead of doing it right now; I'd rather be safe than sorry, in my opinion. There are five passages in this area; you only want to take the 2nd and 4th passages from the left. First, take the 4th passage. When you touch the web beyond it, you'll have to fight a giant spider (Stinger). When you've killed it, follow the path north to find a chest with an X Potion inside. Then go back and take the 2nd passage from the left. Kill the Stinger that attacks you when you touch the web and then head left and down. As you're going through the tunnel, hold right and you'll find an alternate path that leads to yet another treasure chest. You'll find a Fairy Ring in it. Go back up to where the web was and walk north to find another web. Past it is the exit, but try holding left and Cloud will go along a passage hidden by the rock that leads to a chest. There's an Ether Turbo inside. When you approach the giant face in the next cavern, it begins to move and you are attacked. GI*NATATAKU LV: 29 HP: 5500 MP: 200 Don't worry about the Soul Fires this boss has with him; just use your Summon Materia, then concentrate on attacking and using Limit Breaks on the big guy himself. If your spell Materia has hit second level, then Cold and Thunder work nicely on him. You don't even need to worry about your life much; the boss can be taken down before any serious damage is done to your party. You'll get a Confusion/Wizer Rod should you be successful in battle. Grab the spell Materia (Gravity) that's left behind and follow Buugen Haagen up the steps. After the sequence with Red 13 and the other creature (his father, who was transformed into metal or something?), make a new party and leave the town. Don't worry, Red 13 will rejoin you when you try to leave. Oh yes, the Buggy will be working again when you leave Cosmo Canyon. 17. Return of Sephiroth Get in the buggy and continue past Cosmo Canyon. Head north to find a river with a shallow ford you can cross. Past it, the mountains are of a different type than what you usually see. Near them is a small town, Nivelheim. Look familiar? It's the same one Sephiroth and Cloud went to in Cloud's flashback. First, go into the inn. Talk to the black creature in the back to get a Luck Up. You can get an Elixir from another one of the creatures in the Item Shop, and a second Luck Up if you talk to the small creatures in the upper floor of the southeastern house. The large house to the east is Tifa's home, and you'll be given a Platinum Fist and an Turbo Ether if you talk to the creatures here. There's a piano in Tifa's room that you can fool around with to get Tifa's level 4 Limit Break Manual(more details later). This next section is optional--you can just continue on through the mountains if you want. However, Sephiroth won't show up in the mansion after you reach Disc 2, meaning you can't nab the Annihilation materia unless you get it from him during the first disc (see later for details). Now, go into the large mansion at the edge of town. Left of the entrance is a piece of paper written by the Turks (?). It has several hints on it that clue you in to the combination of the safe on the upper floor. You can get the 4th number by choosing the blank space beneath the first three tips. Head right and look for the sliver of light near the stairway, it's very hard to see. It's an opening that leads to the lower section of another room. There's a chest here, with a Silver Megaphone inside. Go back out and go into the northern door beneath the staircase. In the adjoining hall, head right and up to find a chest with a Twin Viper in it. To the left is a room with a broken piano (which you could have also reached by looking for the opening near the left staircase in the main room). Go up the stairs and head left. In the circular room is a chest that has an Enemy Launcher inside. There's nothing in the northern room except for a locked safe -- you'll need the right combination in order to open it (see section 14 if you don't know how). If you want to try your luck, examine it and choose the top option to enter the combination or the bottom option to quit. Open the safe (or not), then go right and into the right wing of the manor house. If you go up, you'll find a chest with a Magic Up inside. Then go into the lower room and examine the curved wall to open a secret passage. Go down the spiralling walkway, and then head right. If you got the gold key from the safe, you can open the northern door. (More on this later). Continue to the right to find a library. Then go north and you'll run into none other than Sephiroth, who will pelt you with a green materia before flying away. Be sure to get the materia (destruct) before leaving the mansion. Once you're back outside, leave Nivelheim from the northern entrance and continue along until you see a passage leading into the mountains. In the next area, follow the path until it splits, and take the north path, which wraps around the back of a spire and leads to a chest with a Rune Blade inside of it. Now go back and follow the original path. You'll notice that just before the bridge, there's a path that curves away to the north. Follow it up into the mountains and when it curves south, take that path instead of continuing in the same direction. The path curves several times, but eventually you'll make it to the top of the mountain, where you can find a chest with a Platinum Baretta. It may help if you press SELECT so that you can see yourself when a mountain is blocking your view, and if you can't seem to get any further, press in other directions (like down) to scale the back of the mountain. Go back down to the main path and head up the bridge. Inside the cavern, take the ladder down instead of the tubes, or you won't be able to get all the treasure in this area. You don't have to worry about the large boss near the door just yet. Feel free to make use of the Save Point, then climb back to the top of the area. Enter the pipe labelled '2' to end up on a rocky ledge. There's an item bag here with an Powersoul inside; get it and then press down to jump down to a lower ledge, then press down again to reach the floor. Climb back up one last time and go into the pipe labelled '4' in order to reach the treasure chest on the bottom ledge below; there's an Affect All materia lying within. Walk against the right edge of the ledge to drop down to the floor. See the path heading south, just below the path that the boss is blocking? Follow it to go outside, then try to keep walking and you'll drop down to the lower ledge. Following the path here leads to a dead end, so enter the cave instead and take the righthand path once you're inside. Ignore the exit at the other end of the cave and work your way southwest, then go through the small hole. Walk up, then left, then down in order to reach the treasure chest you could see when you first came in here. Inside it is an Elixir. Now go through the exit to arrive at a wooded area. On the ground, to the left of the mass of crystalized Materia is an Attribute materia. Take it and proceed north, going through the opening to go back into the caves. Inside, head to the right, then go up as far as you can and walk left past the stone walls to reach a chest containing a Sniper CR. Then go back and take the rightmost passage. It goes south and leads you back to the outside. From here, head left (going right leads you to a dead end). You'll eventually end up at the Jenova Plant you visited in Cloud's flashback. There's nothing to do inside the plant, so continue beyond it to the door set in the rock wall. Enter it and you'll end up back in the chamber with the pipes again. It's true that you could have taken the door and done this entire sequence in reverse, but then you couldn't have scaled the ledge and you would have to go all the way back, instead of taking the express route like you just did :) Now climb down and examine the boss, and it will attack you. Materia Keeper LV: 38 HP: 8400 MP: 300 Don't use Fire-related attacks; it'll only heal him. Red 13's Limit Break B1/1 works well, as does Cloud's B2/1 Limit Break. I'd also suggest using the 'Chocobo and Moogle' materia as much as you can -- its ability to stun this boss is very useful. Physical attacks should do the trick if you have good weapons; save your MPs for healing yourselves. Cure and Affect All Materia are a good combination (remember to link them when selecting holders) if you want to stay alive, since the boss can inflict 300-800 points of damage with its stabbing/mauling attacks. Also, he can heal himself (around 1000 HPs worth), and use the damaging Flame skill, which causes about 500 points of damage to all those still alive. If Red's learned his B1/2 break or someone knows Haste, it would be a wise idea to use it at the start of the round. Since the Materia Keeper is one of the few enemies that can use Tryne, it comes highly recommended that you have a Enemy Skill materia equipped so that you can learn this enemy technique. You'll get a Jewel Ring should you be victorious. After the battle is over, examine the purple materia that is left behind in order to take it (Counter). Then follow the path outside -- it leads back to the World Map. @~And we'll go there next issue - o -