Swords of Xeen - cheat As I said in my review of Swords of Xeen, I had to hack into my characters so that they were strong enough to survive the early stages of the game, then again at the end so that I could complete it. I used HEdit 21, a hex editor which I downloaded from the Net. It's on this issue's disk in case some of you will also find it useful. So, start Swords of Xeen and create your characters. Save your game and note which slot it's saved under. Exit Swords and make a copy of the relevant save game (very important!!!) Install HEdit, then right click on the SAV file. You'll see a HEdit option - select this and HEdit will run. You need to find a particular offset for each character. At the right of the screen at the relevant bit in each case, you'll see the character's name ... this is a handy double check that you're in the right place. I'll tell you which offset to aim for with each character. Character 1 - name starts at offset 981 (2433) - find offset 995 (2453), change to FF 00 and do this seven times so the last FF 00 starts at 921 (2465) Then continue with the other characters: Character 2 - name at AE3 (2787) - find and change from AF7 (2807) onwards Character 3 - name at F09 (3849) - find and change from F1D (3869) onwards Character 4 - name at 1A19 (6681) - find and change from 1A2D (6701) onwards Character 5 - name at 1CDD (7389) - find and change from 1CF1 (7409) onwards Character 6 - name at 27ED (10221) - find and change from 2801 (10241) onwards If you want to change the money it's at 357B and the gems are at 357F but I didn't alter either of these. At the end of the game, I souped them up again. After the last FF 00, go 00 FF 00 FF FF so in the case of the first character, the final FF is at 9A7 (2471). So the final display would look something like this - this was my first character 01 00 52 6F 62 69 6E 00 00 00 00 ..Robin.... 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 ........... FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF ........... 00 FF 00 00 FF 00 FF FF 00 00 00 ........... I hope this helps. Sue - o -