The Babylon 5: Crusade Universe - part 2 Characters Captain Matthew Gideon - Gary Cole Even among the extraordinary group of men who command Explorer-class ships, Gideon is unusual. Soft-spoken and brooding, he can explode into action without warning. These qualities explain why he was chosen to be captain of the Excalibur - and why the choice was controversial. Gideon will do what he feels is right, no matter how many people he offends. He is also fiercely loyal and unswerving in fulfilling his ultimate duty. Lt. John Matheson - Daniel Dae Kim Matheson is the ultimate second-in-command, seeming to read his commander's mind. This he most assuredly does not do; Matheson is a telepath, one of the first to be allowed into the Earth Alliance since the disbanding of the Psi Corps. His steadfast commitment to his duty is occasionally leavened by a puckish sense of humor Max Eilerson - David Allen Brooks As an employee of InterPlanetary Expeditions, Eilerson has only one real question: how much money can an artifact bring on the open market? He is mercenary, cynical, self-serving ... and those are his more pleasant qualities. But, as an archaeologist and as a linguist beyond compare - Eilerson often translates as he hears a spoken language! - he is a necessary evil whom Capt. Gideon is willing to put up with. Galen - Peter Woodward Galen is a Technomage, a member of an Order which uses advanced technology in "magical" ways. A mysterious and melancholy being, Galen has been expelled from his Order because of his intense desire to help "lesser creatures" ... such as Matthew Gideon. He accompanies the mission, but - as he often stays in his ship - is apart from its people. Dr. Sarah Chambers - Marjean Holden The head of the Excalibur's medical department is a dedicated professional. She left a sister back on Earth - a situation Dr. Chambers would have preferred to repair by joining her sister on the poisoned world. Instead, she ferociously applies her knowledge to finding a cure for the plague, and clings to her humanity in the face of possible extinction. Dureena Nafeel - Carrie Dobro Filch, pickpocket, lock-pick, tunnel rat: all of the above epithets give Dureena, member of the notorious Thieves' Guild, a glow of satisfaction. But she has a melancholy side as well: while Dureena was off-world, her planet was murdered by the Drakh. For her, the Excalibur's mission to find a cure for the Drakh Plague is a chance to pay back the Drakh, and undo what they hoped to achieve. Captain Elizabeth Lochley - Tracy Scoggins A career member of the Earth Alliance from a tradition of loyalty to Earthforce, Lochley is the current commander of the space station Babylon 5. Serious to the point of severity on duty, she has a quirky side when off-duty. Lochley also works hard to keep herself in shape ... perhaps to burn off the calories from her "forays" of the seedier parts of Babylon 5. Season One - Episode List War Zone Matthew Gideon commands the Excalibur, a one-of-a-kind ship that will carry the quest to save Earth to the farthest reaches of the Galaxy The Long Road A mining operation on Regula 4 is threatened by an unexpected protestor. When Gideon and Galen arrive, matters are starting to take a turn for the worse. The Well of Forever Crusade's resident techno-mage directs the Excalibur to search for a mystical crossroads somewhere in the vastness of hyperspace - but for what purpose? The Path of Sorrows In a dark tower on a distant world, Gideon finds a strange alien lifeform seemingly trapped in a translucent sphere. Patterns of the Soul The Excalibur crew discover that people left the Earth during the time of the Drakh battle - but are they infected with the plague that threatens the Earth? Ruling from the Tomb The Excalibur is on hand at a Mars Conference on the Drakh virus, along with Captain Elizabeth Lochley, fresh from Babylon 5 to provide additional security. The Rules of the Game Captain Gideon comes to Babylon 5 to negotiate for the rights to land on the Lorkan homeworld, but the Lorkans prove difficult to persuade. Appearance and Other Deceits While visiting political officers determine a new look for the Excalibur and its crew in order to improve morale back home, the sole survivor aboard an alien spaceship threatens the mission. Racing the Night Exploring a planet devastated by a Drakh plague, the crew come under attack from an unknown force. Galen employs a unique method of tracking the cause. The Memory of War Amid the vine-encrusted ruins of a vanished civilisation, the Excalibur crew find the remnants of a weapon of incredible destruction. The Needs of Earth In response to a plea from an alien fugitive, Gideon risks a clandestine trip to Praxis Colony and finds a refugee who guards a storehouse of alien knowledge. Visitors from Down the Street The truth is out there. In this case >way< out there, as the Excalibur learns when it picks up two very peculiar guests, a pair of paranoia-ridden aliens named Durkani and Lyssa. Each Night I Dream of Home Dr. Sarah Chambers gets a chance to unlock the secrets of the Drakh virus, aided by none other than Dr. Stephen Franklin. But Drakh spies tip off the enemy, who launch an attack against the Excalibur in an attempt to stifle their work. ------------------------------------------------------------------ TNT has ended production of Crusade. Only 13 episodes have been made at the present time. Further planned episodes were: To the Ends of the Earth Value Judgements The End of the Line Plus 6 with unknown titles - o -