Solution to Travels in the Land of Erden (Part of Disk 1214 and on last issue's disk) From Nick Edmunds Docks >e (to town centre) >take parchment >read parchment >n (to bookstore) >d (to basement) >read newspaper >look up dragon in book >u >s (to town centre) >ne >e >e >e >x pumpkin >x shiny pumpkin >open porcelain pumpkin >take parchment, coins, dagger >drop lid >ne (in shed) >take ladder, shovel >open cabinets >take shears, spade >x shelves >take sled, skates >sw >sw (forest basin) >nw >n >nw (forest edge) >climb slender oak >u >cut string with shears >take kite >d >d >se >s >s >s >s (Aspen grove) >x aspen >take jacket >e >climb fountain >u x3 >x plant >take fruit >d >w >w >sw (school yard) >show jacket to girl >give jacket to girl >ask girl for bell >ne >ne >n >e >s (forest basin) >x oak >u >x acorns >d >drop fruit >wait x7 >take acorn >look under fallen tree (repeat until you find beetle, or worms) >take beetle (or worms) >sw >se (mountains & forests) >e >s >sw (fortune teller) >ask gypsy for token >ne >e >give token to royal guard >e >e >ask guards about princess >e >follow footman (x6) >s >ask princess about jewel >n >w >w >w (castle gate) >n >w >sw (purple canyon) >x gnarled vegetation >dig roots with shovel >ne >e >n >n >x well >take rope >e >e >se (east edge of lake) >take pole >sw >w >sw >nw >w >w >nw >nw >ne (odds & ends shop) >x odds >ask pa about lamp >ask ma about canoe >show ma coins >give coins to ma >sw >se >w (dock) >w (beach front near dock) >x pools >take spyglass >n (beach front near rock bridge) >use spyglass >launch boat (island beach) >se >se >e >ne >ne >u >give beetle (or worm) to chick >take chick >d >sw >sw >sw >se >e >ne >search ivy >press wings >n (island temple) >x mural >e >x shelves >take device >w >s >sw >w >nw >ne (island bayou) >w >nw >nw >ne >take conch >se (damp island cave) >take raft >nw >sw >launch raft (to beach front near dock) >e (mountain paths) >s >ne >give conch to pa >se >e >e >search pumpkins >take twine >s >sw >se >sw (purple canyon) >s >put raft on prickly plants >s >dig gnarled plants with shovel >n >n >ne >n >n >n >ne >ne (witch's hut) >read book >say grumboodegi to witch >d (under floor boards) >x food >take parchment >u >e >ne >x bottle >read bottle >take pill >eat pill >ne >ask witch about list >sw >se >x one-eyed lion >pull mouth >in >take dome >ring bell >take leaf >up >nw >sw >sw >w >s >sw >s >s (mountain panorama) >use spyglass >se >s >se >move rocks >light lamp >enter cave >x skeleton >take hook >n >tie hook to pole >swing pole at bridge >n >u >take scale >d >s >s >u >nw >n >nw >n >n >ne >n >e >e >n >ne >ne (witch's hut) >give scale to witch >give root to witch >give acorn to witch >ask witch about potion >sw >sw >s >e >e (west hill) >tie twine to kite >put powder on kite >fly kite >s >e >x willow >open ladder >climb ladder >open box >search box >take key >get off ladder >w (x6) >n (x2) >d (bookstore basement) >x wax >put key in wax >u >s >e (blacksmith) >give dagger to blacksmith >give mold to blacksmith >w >s >s >s (sheer cliff basin) >x spires >throw rope at spires >climb rope >x keyhole >unlock trapdoor with iron key >d (below trapdoor) >se >s >e (lifelike woodland creatures) >x deer mural >press nose >s (misty bog) >s >e >x sluice >pull knob >reflect light with mirror >nw >n >nw >w >nw >u >climb rope >n >n >e >e >ne >n >n >e (abandoned well) >search well >take object >x object >e >e >se >sw (south east side of lake) >x sand castle >take stone >clean muddied stone >w >sw >w >nw >w >w >s >climb rope >d >se >s >sw >s >se >s (south side of stream) >s >e (massive temple doors) >x door >x opening >put leaf in stone >put stone in opening >open doors >e (grand altar room) >x altar >x cloth >take cloth >w >nw >n >nw >n >ne >n >nw >u >climb rope >n >n >e (x4) >se >sw (castle grounds) >s >sw (fortune teller) >ask gypsy for token >ne >e >give token to royal guard >e >e >ask guards about princess >e >follow footman (x6) >s >show princess cloth >n (entrance to palace) >read parchment >w (x3) >n (x3) >w >n >w >climb eucalyptus tree >u >put pellet in funnel >d >d >dig depression with shovel >open box >take box >read map >s >w >w >nw >sw >n >ne (mountains with statue of woman) >light lamp >put lamp on holder >put green stone in left hand >x boulder >push boulder >in (limestone caverns) >w >x body >take sword, earring >e >unlock door with bronze key >open door >d >nw >n >nw >sw >sw (oceanside grotto) >w >climb rope >s >search captain >take chest >open chest >hoist anchor >sail ship - o -