Dark Side of the Moon Walkthrough - part 3 by George Ison @~Continued from last issue Go forward twice, turn right and go past the laser saw till you arrive at a large round door with a green handprint. Take off the red mittens and put on the gloves with Rich's handprint. Click the handprint and the iris door should open. Go forward once and turn left. Click on the Customs computer and a monitor will slide in place. Click the screen of the monitor. Click the handprint. Click the entry "Wright, Jake." Click on "MASK", then click on "EXTRACT." Use your laser pen and scan the recipe, then transfer it to your VDA. If you haven't gotten the sawdust from the laser saw yet, it's located on this level. You can't go to the mines by elevator, you have to use the vent system. Go back past the saw to the posters on the wall and turn left. Go to the elevator and to level 2. (DISC3) Exit the elevator, go forward and turn left to face Administration. Get a closeup of the keypad on Janous's outer door. Remember the 1117 you found in the security office? Enter that and hit E. Enter the outer office, forward and enter the main office. Turn right and go to the vent. Use large green magnet to open the vent and enter. Go forward and turn right, forward and turn around. Look up then go up. Use the green magnet to get outside to the central power grid. Use your Mag-belt on the overhead cable. Turn around and use your air gun on the vent to slide. Turn right and go forward. Use the belt on this new cable, turn around and use the air gun on the colorful power grid to slide away. Turn around and go down the ladder. Turn right and go forward to the River of Light and go through. (DISC4) You're on level A at the elevator leading to levels B and C. Turn left from the elevator and go forward. Open the door to the Center Pit. Be careful; guards are in this area. Turn right and move forward twice. You see O'Kale looking around. After he leaves, go forward 4 times to some green barrels. Move the left one to reveal a light blue crystal. Use your Rock Cop to see that this crystal is Founeme, an ingredient for the Roar Two drug. Turn left from the barrels, forward 3 times and left. Enter the Terrace Tunnel elevator and go down. After the door opens, exit the elevator and turn left. Go forward to a door and enter. Go forward to the gate that's locked and turn right. Go through the River of Light. (DISC1) You're in the Ore Processing Center. Turn left, go forward twice and turn left. There might be a dull blue crystal on the green box. Your Rock Cop identifies it as Veniris, another ingredient for the Roar Two drug. You should now have all 4 ingredients; Ratmat extract, Synth-lumber sawdust, Founeme, and Veniris. Turn right and forward to an intersection, turn right, forward once and right. You should be facing a rock crusher. Get a closeup of its controls. Click the top panel to open it. Put the dull blue Veniris (from top of green box) in the compartment. When the lid's closed, push CRUSH. Put the mug with sawdust in the front compartment and push EXTRACT. Repeat the process with the bright blue Founeme (from behind left green barrel in Center Pit.) Finally, use the Ratmat on the mug to get lite blue bubbly Roar Two. Pour it into the handheld Fusion Sprayer. This stuff is very effective against Rock Parasites. Turn right from the crusher and forward once. Turn left and forward 3 times. Turn right and go through the River of Light. (DISC4) You're back in the Terrace Tunnel. Turn left, go forward and open the door. Go forward, turn left, forward, turn right and enter the Terrace Tunnel elevator. Go up and exit the elevator. Turn right, forward 3 times, turn right, forward 5 times, turn left. Enter the door, go down the hallway and enter the Level A elevator. Hit the button to move down once to Level B. (DISC5) Exit elevator, then forward once more. Turn right and you'll be in front of B1. Turn slightly right and click on the door mechanism. Ask Gilly about your uncle's claim in addition to the other options. Ask her about Body-lamp bulbs and she'll give you two. After you have the bulbs and end the talk, click a new bulb on the Body-lamp and wear it if you're not already wearing it. Facing B1, turn right, go to Level B door and enter the elevator. Go down once to Level C. Exit the elevator, then go forward twice and turn left. Go toward the crystal deposits and slightly left to the sunflower symbol on the wall. Look down to see something in the crevice. Pick up the yellow Itacha first, then the Datapac chip. Open the top right-hand chip slot on your VDA and insert the Datapac chip. Check your mail for a new message from Jacob Wright. You find out that you're Jacob's son. After the message, look up, turn left, forward once, turn slightly right. Make your way back through the twisting tunnel to the elevator and go up twice to Level A. (DISC4) Exit the elevator, go forward and exit the door to the Center Pit. Turn right and go forward to the Access Prohibited door behind the Green Barrels. Go through the door and the lamp illuminates the dark tunnel. Go forward to an elevator that's broken. Inside, turn around to the control button. Above it is a Sito panel. Use your Sito keycard to open the panel. Use the piece of wire (from the laser saw) on the control panel. Use your wire cutters (looks like rod with hooked blade) on the Security Seal chain. Use the chain to complete the circuit. Click the button to go down. Move forward once toward the machinery on your left. There's a bunch of wrecked stuff and blood stains on the wall. In front of the wrecked machinery, click on a small compartment to open it. @~To be continued - o -