EverQuest Hints If death is imminent, use the /loc command to bring up your coordinates and note what they are. After you have been resurrected, head for those coordinates--you may need to experiment a little with the /loc command to find the right direction--so you can recover your hard-won belongings. You don't need to reach the exact spot, just get close enough to use the /corpse command. From levels one to four, you probably won't have a backpack, so you'll be more efficient if you kill only Skeletons and _____ (fill in the blank with your choice of bats, wasps, etc.). Each time you kill, stick only to those two creatures. Go out, kill these creatures until you reach a level, then return and sell your loot. Repeat this until level four or so, by which time you should be able to afford a backpack. Once you hit level three, make frequent trips to the bank. Try depositing all your copper and silver and just holding on to your gold (later you can hold platinum and deposit your gold as well). You'll quickly build up a nice reserve of cash for when you REALLY need it. Also, once you get a new weapon, don't sell the old one; put it in the bank. After that, sell each older weapon as you pick up better ones, saving the second best ones in the bank. Finally, don't forget that you can store items in backpacks. Are you new to the game and need a quick way to get money for a new weapon or spell? Go to the Wizard's Guild in South Qeynos and around the back to a Wizard called Catastrophur. Ask him "Who is Neclo?" and he'll give you a note to take to his friend Neclo, in Qeynos Hills. Neclo can be found near the only Guard Tower in Qeynos Hills. Give him the note and he'll give you Experience points, Faction, and a spell that can be sold in Qeynos for 3.5pp. For a quick profit, this Quest can be done repeatedly by anyone. When you see a Non-Player Character (NPC) deliver a phrase in brackets [like this], you need to repeat that phrase to get more information. Remember to put a question mark at the end of whatever you say; otherwise the NPC won't continue. - o -