EverQuest Hints and Tips Rogue's Secret Economy If you take on the hard life of a Rogue, you must learn the secret to dealing with merchants. Most merchants won't sell to a Rogue (probably something about his reputation or character). Well, what they don't know won't hurt them! Go behind a merchant (out of his line of sight) and use the sneak skill, then click the merchant. The merchant will sell to you and buy from you without ever knowing you're a Rogue! Back Attacks Attacking your intended victim from behind gives a bonus to the attack, but beware: the enemy attacking your rear gets the same bonus. Try to always face your enemies, especially if you're fighting more then one. If you're in a group, try surrounding the enemy to confuse it, giving each member of your group a better chance for bonus shots. Ramp Your Skills and Make a Friend If you want to work on increasing a skill, offer to create items for other players in exchange for the necessary materials or cash equivalent. This way your skill points go up, and they save significant amounts of money. Snake Eggs Count as Food Next time you can't find milk or bread to fill your stomach, try sinking your teeth into some Snake Eggs; they're the cheapest things around. Ride a Dragon It may be extremely hard to do, but according to Verant Interactive 3D Character artist Milo D. Cooper, it is possible to ride a dragon in EverQuest. First you need to deplete the last 25 percent of a dragon's hit points single-handedly; this will subdue the dragon instead of killing it, at which point the subduer can teleport to an adjacent zone and mount the creature. Sharpen Those Rusty Weapons You can buy a sharpening stone to fix any rusty swords you pull off defeated skeletons. They will be changed to tarnished and with enough skill you can change tarnished to new. But beware: If you fail in your attempt, you lose the weapon. So if you need practice, just use the rusty swords you get from the skeletons. All it will cost you is the price of a sharpening stone. Click the left mouse button on any forge (they are all over town), then place the sword and the sharpening stone in the slots and press Combine. Campers and Stealers Sure, there are jerks in EverQuest, but unless you're playing in PvP (player vs. player) mode, they can't do a lot to you--and you can ignore what they say. The biggest complaint that most players have is about "kill stealers" and campers. Because the character that deals the killing blow gets first crack at the treasure, kill stealers come along and finish off a creature someone else is battling to reap the rewards. Campers are players who stay in the same spot for significant lengths of time and wait for creatures or a certain item to spawn, which may conflict with other players' goals. Ranged Weapon Limitations Perhaps the weakest area of EQ's combat is its ranged weapons options. Bows and spears tend to offer one-shot attacks that do little more than lure a creature in close, so they're not really a viable mode of continuous attack unless you have some melee support. - o -