Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 Good Use of the V3: If you play as the Soviets, one of the best way to use the V3 Rocket is to have about three Rhino tanks for each V3 Rocket to protect them. If you have about five V3 Rockets and twelve - fifteen Rhino tanks you can take out a medium base! One of the reasons is that the V3 Rocket fire very long! Tricks for Spies: Place a spy in an any enemy barracks for veteran (one stripe) men, or in any enemy war factory for veteran tanks etc. Place one in an enemy Allied battle lab for a chrono commando (has a rapid fire machine gun and explosives like Tanya). Place one in any Soviet battle lab for a Psi commando (controls units like a Yuri, has explosives like Tanya) Having infiltrated battle labs, if you capture (or already have) a Soviet barracks, you can now buy one Yuri prime (two with cloning vats) with a long range for controlling people, and a chrono Ivan (just like Crazy Ivan, but chronoshifts). Place a spy in an enemy power plant to knock out their power for a while. Place one in an enemy radar of airforce command centre to bring down their radar. - o -