Books of Interest? Catteni Trilogy by Anne McCaffrey Reviewed by David Froude Science Fiction/Fantasy 1 Freedom's Landing 2 Freedom's Choice 3 Freedom's Challenge This is an entertaining read covering the invasion and conquering of Earth by an alien species, the Catteni, who are mercenaries for another alien race, the Eosi. The transportation of earth people as slaves to an alien planet and then shipment and dumping on an apparently uninhabited planet with other assorted alien species where they are left to fend for themselves. The novels follow Kris Bjornsen's and her companions experiences and adventures in organising themselves for survival, the exploration of the new planet, the setting up of a social system and the integration with the other alien species accompanying them to the planet they name Botany. The planet is eerie and not as empty as it seems. For someone or something has built huge barns with the planet being used as a huge larder for an entity they cannot comprehend. It covers her meeting with one of the one of the hated Catteni who has been dumped on Botany. The feelings she develops for this alien, his integration with and help he provides to the other settlers and culminating in their struggle to free themselves, the Catteni and Earth from the Eosi. I thought all three books were very good with the first and third being better than the second. DWF Jan 2001 - o -