Roger Zelazny's Chronomaster - part 1 Walkthrough by Darksheer Notes: Well, though this game looks good it's damn hard! And I mean HARD! You lucky guys now have this walkthrough but when you solve this game by yourself - it's top emotion! Also know that there are plenty of ways to solve many of the riddles and I'll try to mention the places where I know a different way can be taken but I failed to figure it out. Every time you return to Jester if there is a message on the screen - click on it to play a videomessage. Also note that some of my sentences are nonsense but they are put there to make it easier to find hotspots on screen. And forgive me if my language isn't as good as you expect. OK. Let's begin. After a couple of videomessages on your display turn right and select universe, planet in this universe and location and sublocation there. ( I will skip this instructions later in the walkthrough because it's useless to describe and eats bytes on your HD.) Select Urbs. URBS At main Urbs planet select location Sculpture Garden. Talk with the robot. (This time you can't persuade to move his ass off the magnetic north but we'll do it later). Walk left or right and explore other screens at this location. Pick up a rock and crush it using a hammer from your Tools. While you explore read all the plaques on the sculptures to get some tips. Return to Jester (your ship). Select location as Ground Zero City. Pick up rag and crowbar at the landing site. Go to the north walkway. Use bottled time on citizen and then another bottled time on bomb; quickly exit this screen and re- enter it - whoa, the door is now unreachable. (Note than you can just pass the bomb by and not deal with it - we'll get in there in more complex way). Return back to landing site and take eastern walkway. You enter a museum. Inside, pry open the container with your crowbar. Pick up a shield from the container. Pick up a polisher from the floor, use it on rag and use rag+polisher on the shield. You will see display cases in this room but you need only general bars from one of them - use polished shield to grab them. Return to the entrance to the museum and find a spot on the door where an arrow to the right appears - go there, use elevator to descend a level down, talk with guard but don't make him angry and walk away. Return to Jester. Fly to the Fort. Pick up a uniform from the dead body. You may wear it. Use bottled time on a rocket launcher. Push button near it to move rocket up. Exit screen to the south and you will be on the battlefield. Take both flags. Return to Jester and fly to the garden. Wear uniform. Go to the statue with a flagpole and use enemy flag on flagpole (one of 2 flags will do - if you pick up the wrong one - you won't be able to trick robot). Go to the robot and command him to go join the battle - if you did all correct he will go away. Use resonance tracer. Now fly back to the fort and there go to the battlefield. Here you should see a bridge with a scanner nearby. Wear uniform. Use general bars on Korda. Now you will be authorized to cross the bridge. Inside the fort you will see a firing squad - use a shield on every squad member to vaporize them. Pick up a file in the corner and read it. Then talk to the prisoner. Here you can decide what approach to take but I chose one to believe his story and to let him go (and well, I wasn't killed though he escaped - you may try another approach - it's fun to see 'what if'). Exit to the south of the screen. Here you will see a distant entrance into some private area, protected by a code- lock. Here you can either use PDA on keylock or use powdered rock on it to get fingerprints. Either way (though I haven't tested the one with PDA) you come in. Here after some cut-scenes you are given a choice whether to save or destroy this universe. Though I am very peaceful dude Korda died when I chose to save it (it may be triggered by something but I don't care much about it) - but I suggest to destroy it. Just after this one you are given a logical puzzle to gain the World Key if you succeed - you are here on your own though even a braindead person will solve it in 30 minutes. Just after this you withstand a Council Of Wise to choose your punishment - I think the only non-lethal approach is to choose 'Bluff' and then 'Respect' from response variants. You will be freed and now you can walk to Jester and takeoff Urbs. Aurans awaits! AURANS Fly to the location of the Magnetic North. Exit screen. Take a bottle -it opens and djinni emerge - talk with them and agree to feed them. When you will get to the new location pick up all the fruit and an animal carcass. Return to djinni via the carpet. Give them fruit with following symbols: pillar, cross, burning man, bread, star and lotus. Take a djinni bottle and a carpet. Return to Jester, fly to the Canyon. Here walk carefully to avoid quicksands on your way - rocks will fall into them and you may pass. Exit screen to the bottom. Look at the beast. Return to Jester and fly to the Plateau. Exit screen to the northwest. Get all the rocks, coins from the sand and talk to Arabou The Trader. Exchange information with him and when you warn him about beast he gives you a flute. You also need to get sandals from him - you may give him a bottled time, a carpet or a djinni bottle. The most preferable is bottled time because you have a lot of them and if you give him a djinni bottle then you should get it back from him in exchange to the Emerald Camel from Treasury. Now fly back to the Canyon and go into the cave - to do this you need to stand near the last quicksand and use sandals on Korda. Then just come into the cave. You can try to take a blinking object within a skull if you want but as I think you can't get it without being bitten and losing your time. Also note that you get the needle only when you try taking it twice. But anyway: this item is not essential. Cross the bridge. Go to another screen. There go to the southern exit. Here take a cooling feather (take it twice because first time he'll drop it). Return to the Canyon and go to the lake. Use feather on lake and cross it after that go to the dead nomad. Take a turban and mosaic tiles. Return to Plateau and take a way to the left (not to Arabou) and you'll come to the lake with backwarding water. Use feather on lake and then pick up an ice particle from lake. OK, now fly to Cavern location and enter cave there. Inside, there are many ways to cross the web walkway: 1) use magic wand on web near you, then take this enchanted web and use it on Korda - you'll get to the exit doing this; 2) (this one is slow) use wand on webs but just walk across them - here you can take a short route but on your way you'll be bitten by spider and will loose time ... or take a long way, which doesn't include crossing a place where the hole in the wall is. After this navigate a maze until you come to the underground lake. Try talking with a nomad but he'll vanish. Take a cloth which he had lost, soak it in the lake. Go into the other cave (not one you have come from) - and there use your ice lens on big crystal - you make your lens bright. Use soaked cloth on the emblem on the wall and a door appears in the cave to the left. Go in there. Use your lens on the guy with the sword and pick up his sword. Talk to the cook and after you finish talking use your feather on the fire - he gives you a canteen. Exit to the left. Use your sword to kill the spider, talk to gypsy dancer and accept her challenge. Go to the northwest and use sword to kill the man there. Return to gypsy and you get her veil. Enchant it with your magic wand. Go to northwest and further to the north - you'll come to the man with a telescope. Talk with him and lend a telescope from him for some coins. You can use screwdriver on the telescope, use lens on the telescope and then use screwdriver on it again and use your 'fixed' telescope to look at the palace. Now you'd wish to get there - there are two ways (maybe more - for example I suppose sandals can help you with this too): 1) use enchanted veil on Korda and then go to the palace or 2) return back to the Plateau's lake with backwarding water, fill a canteen from it and then go to the Canyon and to the place where you can go down to the screen where the feather was - here is another path - to the north and on that screen use canteen on Korda and walk to the palace. Note that the latter way means you need to leave Cavern - to do this you need to take water from underground lake. And as I recently was told there IS a way to get to caverns again (because when you first go there rocks fall to barricade exit) - it is: fix your turban with a needle, enchant it with magic wand, wear it and go to the place with a talking (if you use wand on it) sign near the place where you got the feather. Go to the right of that and talk with nomad and walk into the twister. If you will need there to go into the caverns (because you will be brought to nomad's camp) then use a flute on the crack in the cave wall to crawl inside. And to go back to the camp just open the door. Anyway, you get inside the palace - here you can talk with charlatans who are trying to get easy money from tourists: a poor woman, wealthy oracle, magician - all of them are willing to get a ruby from the treasury - but don't bother - if you give it to them later - they just tell you nonsense and that's all! Though you can buy a bowl from a poor woman. After the screen with a magician you will come into the room with a guard - you can talk with him, then give him your sword and he'll let you in, but there is a beast inside. Sorry, can't provide you with info on how to get rid of the beast, I have heard rumors that it is done with a bowl and some food - (poisoned?) but we'll get to harem in a different way. Return to previous screen - take a left walkway, talk with a bathing man, use bottled time on water, then mosaic tiles on the water - you'll complete a tile image. Return to the room with 3 walkways - take a right one, talk to the guard, enter treasury. Here you can take not more than 3 items (note that though you can take 3rd item - you'll be whisked away from palace and will have to get there again. You can take : a)emerald camel - it is a MUST if you gave a djinni bottle to Arabou - go and change it for bottle b) coins - I don't see any sense in taking them either c) ruby - if you want to bring it to one of the charlatans at the palace entrance - come and see by yourself. Now push the pedestal with ruby, push the tapestry, push the mattress where the emerald camel is standing and go into the hole. In harem there is only one girl which will talk to you - chat with her and give her a djinni bottle as the answer to her riddle (I believe there is only one riddle in her database, otherwise you are on your own). Immediately after that you are provided with a 'World Key' puzzle : it is to compose an Aurans symbol from many pieces. If you can't seem to understand what does the picture look like - restore your previous savegame and look for this symbol in the Caverns, near underground lake. After this return to Jester and takeoff to your next location - Fortuna universe. FORTUNA After your arrival at the Pyramid Casino you will be met by Alachra and his guys. He will give you some gambling chips. Go right twice. Talk to the officer, try to enter the ship (you will fail). Use PDA on security droid and go to the ship's compartment. Pull the lever. The door is codelocked and you don't know the password. Return 2 screens back and use the elevator. You can wander here for some time and by the way talk with bartender but don't choose 'Barter' option for now. Pick up a camera in the bar - it's lying on the empty table. Go to the elevator and descend one stair. Go to the performing band and talk with its leader. They need a glifnod player! Return to the hall and go left to the poker tables. At one of the tables you can pick up a dice scoop. Find one of the dealers who will talk to you and he will tell you that he is an ex-glifnod player. and ask for his lucky coin. Return to the transportation officer (the one who stood near the ship, where is a codelocked door), talk with him and use a camera on him to get a badge photo. Now go back to the elevator and descend 3 times (maximum). Here talk to the beggar, accept his advice and get a card lying near him. Use badge photo on the gate and enter the train. Enter the saloon. Chat with piano player. Get a gun, lying on the barrel. Enter the next screen. Use chips on players to join their game. Use the "DISCARD AND DRAW" option when the cards are dealt - you will win and players will leave. Use resonance tracer here. Return to the Casino. Go to Jester. You can fly to the planet called Tracks in Fortuna system. When a man asks for your bet choose 1st response option. Return to casino. You can go and give away a half of your money to the beggar who told you how to bet (I don't know why you should share your money with him - is it a kind of moral test?). Now you can go to the bar and buy every item you wish and still have chips after that (though I haven't found how to use almost all of these items). Go left, talk to the successful gambler and give her rabbit's foot. Go to the fountain and pick the lucky coin out of it with a dice scoop. You can now go and return it to the dealer who asked for it (why he is not rushing out to play his $#@#*&# glifnod after this is beyond me!). Also use a processor which you bought from the bartender on your PDA to upgrade it. Walk to the security desk. Talk with guard and you can buy out dealer's glifnod by using chips on her (don't bother about his debts). Use PDA on her for PDA to make a diversion so she walks away from her desk. (I think there is another way, which uses a rat from the saloon somehow). Push the button, open the box and get an electromagnetic chip. Upgrade your PDA with it. Return coin and glifnod to the dealer, pick up a badge he leaves and go to the band leader. Use a probability driver on dealer's badge to make up a security badge. Talk with her. Now go to the set of poker tables which is opposite to the one you were now - to the right of the main hall. Here go into the distant door (don't forget to open it!). While navigating tunnels, pick up a pail with paint on your way. When you come into the dead end open the panel and use ladder to go down. When you leave ladder open a floor panel and get a decelerator from there. Go further. You will see a passage to your right on your way - go in there. Talk with alien and show him your badge when he asks for it. Push the bin so it covers the bomb and then pull rope the aliens are tied with to free them. Pick up a decoder. After you talk with aliens you can pull all the switches in the room to see what every of them does control. One of them enables a cheat system on one of the slot machines so you can go there and play it. Another switch shows you another chronomaster entering his ship. Use probability driver on the screen where you saw him entering ship. You get the password: "Pasqua Wipeout". And also another switch opens heavy doors to the elevator and another one opens a roof above the spaceport (you must open it to leave Fortuna). Now go to the ship and open compartment with this password. Open toolbox there, take a lockpick. Use a hammer on the lockpick twice. Now go all the way through the tunnels until you come to a sort of the elevator. Use your voice decoder on the voice encoder to activate it. Go further until you come to the locked door. Use lockpick on the door panel. Enter door. Talk to Milo. Don't arrest him but aid him. After he leaves you are provided with a 'World Key' puzzle. Its objective - press the panels which the computer has played - 1st time one panel, 2nd time - 2 panels etc. After you are done return to Milo's ship and talk with transportation officer, talk to Milo. Use bottled time on the pail of paint and use this fake PDA on officer. Now you can leave the planet - go to Jester and takeoff. See a movie. After it ends you can choose where to fly next - to Cabal or Verdry. Let's go to Cabal first. @~To be concluded next issue - o -