Cultures Hints from Sue Food is often a number one priority early on. Build one farm and put a farmer in it. Once he gets his diploma, you'll be able to build a mill. Change him into a miller and recruit an extra farmer. When the miller becomes qualified, build a bakery, change the miller into a baker, the farmer into a miller and bring in an extra farmer. I usually try to have one farm, one mill and two bakeries, each bakery and the mill also having carriers. Build a well too. If you get low on leather, wood or stone, you will have to build some extra buildings to enable you to get more of these. I didn't bother building a school. I found the above method for gradually moving people through the ranks worked well with all professions. Create as many initial marriages as you can. Then built a dwelling tent for the married couples. Work out how many extra girls you need to marry the remaining men. Get these and complete all the marriages, building a dwelling tent for each. By now the food situation (see above) should be ticking along nicely. If you haven't already done so, build a woodcutter's, followed by a carpenter's tent (aka joiner) and a clay worker's tent. Start producing some extra boys only. By the time all this is done, you can go straight to building three-family dwellings. Into each, put two single men and a married couple. The woman will collect food which all three men will eat. It's a tough life, eh? Then you can start demolishing the single dwelling tents, reuse their resources and regain the land (eventually). After this, produce children in the ratio of 1 girl to 3 boys which will complete another house. Remember to put people into houses near where they work. You can move them from house to house without problems as they change jobs etc. If your territory ends up very straggly, repeat the farm / mill / well / two bakeries combo at the opposite side of the map. You'll need at least eight workers to do it fully, leaving you with two farmers, nine if you fill all the work places. Or you could just try building an extra bakery if the farm and mill seem to be producing enough. Texas This was the first taxing scenario. When the time comes for the final battle against the Vinlanders, you'll need plenty of Archer IIIs and Soldier IIIs. Build two defence towers in the approximate middle of the map, at a small gap between uncrossable land. Lure out some Vinlanders, then use the archers in the towers to pick them off. Most of the Vinlanders are level 1 but there's a lot of them. When no more are emerging, to finally clear the Vinlanders, attack their top right defence tower, then the one below it. Then gradually pick off the others. You will need to destroy every building and kill every Vinlander to win, even the women which I thought was rather OTT. - o -