How to Kill Lord British Author unknown Greetings... Perhaps someone can use or add to the following... U1 - ??? U2 - ??? U3 - Exit out the back of the castle and commandeer the castle's frigate. Pilot it around to the front of the castle. Attack LB and have him angrily chase you out to the front of the castle...get in your boat and blast him to hell with your cannons. U4 - ??? U5 - Too busy trying to save his ass. U6 - The first time I killed him was entirely accidental. I had just started playing, and made a trip down in to tunnels below the castle (the ones which lead to B'Den) In the area near the woman living below (whom Budo sends you to get her belt - how many actually bothered with the virtuous way of doing this?) were a bunch of trapped chests. I was near death and instead of opening them below figured Dupre could lug them back to the throne room where LB could do instant healing should one go BOOM! when l did the manual "appaer unum" (or whatever) on them. Well one of them was a poison trap and I had opened it right in front of ole' Cantibrigian (or whatever). He wasn't pissed, in fact he healed me and the boys right away, yet didn't bother to 'an nox' himself. I took off to go kill some gargoyle scum, and when l came back a few days later, LB was lying dead in a foetal position in front of his throne. What a lazy bastard. How else did you manage to kill him in U6? U7 - These are well documented - LB likes to strut around a lot, but his corpulent mass finds it exhausting - all that activity on two feet! (He usually much prefers to sit on his throne or be fed in the dining room - but he must keep up the appearance of a fit and active monarch) In any case, he stops to catch a breather at 9AM under the plaque on the north side of the courtyard...this is a prime opportunity to the plaque to end his pusillanimous despotic reign. (This action is a reference to Garriot's real-life losing encounter with a plaque on the head that left him hospitalized) Or simple fill him full of about four feet of blackrock courtesy of The Shade Blade... Serpent Isle - Doesn't really count, but what greater torture then for him to have a dream of his good pal The Avatar(tm), 9 time saviour of his world (UW1&2 included), and have him turn on him and blast him with an infinite number exploding arrows? Doesn't really count though cuz it doesn't leave him D-E-D DEAD. - o -