Might and Magic 6 Hints from Dave Barker My single biggest omission has been not to read all the bumpf particularly with regard to some of the spells and how they work. Water Magic should not be under valued. You need Water Walk to get to the off shore islands but it is also useful for dealing with land-bound enemies as you can run onto water, allow them to mass on the shore line and then shoot them. Enchant item: Some items - rings, amulets, weapons, armour - come already enchanted whilst others have the ability to become enchanted. It's worth saving your game and experimenting to see what you get. Items which increase your stats and resistances are always useful. Items which regenerate Hit Points and Spell points over time are a must and are worth investing the time. Re-load a saved game and re-cast the enchant item spell until you get the item you want and then save the game and set about enchanting the next object. And, at the end of the day an magical item is worth more. [It is also important to visit the Seer at Castle Ironfist at the beginning of the month to find out which shrine to pray at. The first time you pray at the Shrine of the month you get +10 to a specific stat or resistance. In that month in the following year(s) you get +3. High resistance to Cold, Electricity, Fire etc means you will take less damage from spells later] Town Portal: Allows you to teleport to one of the six towns with a central fountain. Initially only outside but eventually from in dungeons. Lloyds Beacon: Allows you to set 1, 3 and eventually 5 beacons which you can teleport from and to. This means that once you have reached Master at Water Magic you can cover all the big towns and most off the playing area using Teleportation, a massive time saver. Whilst all skills are important the things you need early on are: Bow: The cowards approach . stand off and put low walls between you and the monster(s). Or walk out on water. Learning: You get more experience points for an incident. Hence you can progress faster. Merchant: You buy for less and sell for more. You need to bank money for later in the game as gold is sometimes hard to come by and high-level training is expensive and you will have to buy most of the spells for your spell books. Perception: Useful later in dungeons together with Wizards Eye (Air Magic) as it enables you to see beyond closed doors and will often show a passage behind a hidden panel so you can then look for the switch. And in the final analysis it is a management game. Which classes/skills do you use, how do you allocate the skill points that you earn and what order do you tackle the Quest/Dungeons. - o -