Walk-thru for Space Mule - Warning TOTAL SPOILER!!! On disk 683 This walk-thru solves all puzzles and bypasses many of the interesting actions that could take place during normal play! Start at QUARTERS: GET pillow, flash, DROP pillow TURN console on S, S (to CONTROL ROOM TURN console on, READ console N, W, N (to SICKBAY SIT bed WAIT (6 times) TURN console on STAND, S, E, D, W (to MAINTENANCE AREA OPEN tools drawer, parts drawer GET ball, rod, tray, patches N (to NORTH HOLD, MOVE boxes, GET bucket S, E, U, W, S (to COMPUTER ROOM OPEN panel with rod, tray, DROP tray, ball N, E, D, E, S (to SOUTH HOLD, AFFIX patch, MOVE boxes, GET bag N, W, D, S (to STORAGE CELLS SOUTH AFFIX patch, TURN switch N, N (to STORAGE CELLS NORTH TURN switch W, S, S (to NSE SOUTH AREA AFFIX patch, N (to NORMAL SPACE ENGINE ROOM OPEN plaque, GET paper, gun N, E, S, U, U, W, N (to SICKBAY OPEN panel with rod, kit, vial, EAT pill, CLOSE vial NE, SE (to KITCHEN TURN console on OPEN panel with rod, TURN valve S, S, S (to LIFE SUPPORT Light flash, OPEN panel with rod (to ENTER CUBBY HOLE) D, D, D, W (to WORKSHOP, GET spot E, E (to WORKSHOP, GET screwdriver W, U, U, U, E, N, N, W, D, S (to MINING CONTROL TURN console on (SHIP MOVEMENT SEQUENCE - NORMAL SPACE) (START AT MINING CONTROL) (repeat the next 9 lines until DISTANCE = 0) PUSH 1, PUSH 2 (to find object, note vector and distance) N, U, S (to CONTROL ROOM READ console PUSH 3 (for NAVIGATION) PUSH 1 VECTOR NNNN (ENTER number noted above) DISTANCE NNN (ENTER number noted above, if > 100 ENTER 100) PUSH 4 (to MOVE ship) N, D, S (to MINING CONTROL (repeat last nine lines until distance = 0) N, N (to EVA STORAGE OPEN bag, suit AFFIX patch G (Note: Parser quirk, Typing a (valid command and ", g" (EX: LOOK, G (can put program (into an infinite loop! CONNECT suit, bag, spot WEAR suit S, E (to EXTERNAL ACCESS AREA CLOSE suit, bag DROP flash PUSH Hatch (to OPEN EXIT (to IN SPACE JUMP (to ALIEN SHIP (wander thru ship or use map to find ROOM with warped gadget in it) (when alien shows up, ignore it until it dies) GET GADGET (when alien dies) EXAMINE body, PULL body, ENTER ( to NURSERY OPEN bag, PUT ovoid in bag, CLOSE bag EXIT (wander or use map to get to a broken bubble) EXIT (to IN SPACE ENTER (to EXTERNAL ACCESS AREA OPEN suit, bag, DROP bag, patches, screwdriver GET ovoid, flash (EXAMINE ovoid occasionally, Ovoid is an egg, (when it hatches, GET or WEAR starfish (when starfish starts keening, it is hungry, (take it to KITCHEN and it will EAT the sludge. (refill bucket when empty W, U, W, S (to COMPUTER ROOM GET tray N, E, E, N (to KITCHEN PUSH 1 S, S, S (to LIFE SUPPORT OPEN panel with rod (in CUBBY HOLE) GET grey-green chip, PUT it in tray GET grey-blue chip, PUT it in tray GET grey-brown chip, PUT it in tray CLOSE tray E, N, N, N (to KITCHEN OPEN oven, GET meal (when you get ravenous, eat a meal and make another S, W, D, D, N (to STORAGE CELLS NORTH TURN switch S, S, E, N, N (to SD NORTH AREA EXAMINE e-core OPEN e-core with rod, tray GET black-brown chip, DROP it PUT gray-brown chip in e-card CLOSE E-core EXAMINE it EXAMINE n-core OPEN n-core with rod GET black-green chip, DROP it PUT gray-green chip in n-card CLOSE n-core EXAMINE it EXAMINE x-core OPEN x-Core with rod GET grey-black chip, DROP it PUT gray-blue chip in x-card CLOSE x-core EXAMINE it DROP tray S, GET filter (to SKIP DRIVE ENGINE ROOM S, W, N, U, U, N (to QUARTERS READ console, PUSH 1 READ paper (note password READ charts (note MARKER numbers #1 and #2 ROGADOLMINQX (ENTER password note MARKER #3 S, S (to CONTROL ROOM READ console PUSH 2 (COMPUTER status should be green (SHIP MOVEMENT SEQUENCE - SKIP SPACE) (use next 5 lines to change ships MARKER LOCATION (to MARKER #3 noted above PUSH 3 (NAVIGATION status should be green PUSH 2 (to Set MARKER for MARKER #3 MARKER NNNN PUSH 4 (to Engage engines and MOVE into Skip Space WAIT (WAIT to return to Normal Space - 25 turns N, D, D, N (to STORAGE CELLS NORTH TURN switch G S, U, S (to MINING CONTROL (use SHIP MOVEMENT SEQUENCE - NORMAL SPACE (above to get asteroid at distance = 0 PUSH 3 (to start MINING sequence N, D, N (to STORAGE CELLS NORTH TURN switch S, U, U, S (to MAIN CONTROL (USE SHIP MOVEMENT SEQUENCE - SKIP SPACE (to change MARKER to MARKER #2 above PUSH 4 PUSH 1 PUSH 3 N, D, E (to EXTERNAL ACCESS AREA CLOSE suit PUSH hatch, EXIT (to SHUTTLE EXIT (to EXTERNAL ACCESS AREA OPEN suit W, U, S (to Main CONTROL (USE SHIP MOVEMENT SEQUENCE - SKIP SPACE (to change MARKER to MARKER #1 above PUSH 0 PUSH 4 PUSH 1 PUSH 3 N, N, SW (to SICKBAY OPEN gauze, GET cylinder S, E, D, W (to MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES GET PARTS DRAWER OPEN SAFE WITH CYLINDER GET BAG THROW FILTER AT MOTES E, E WEAR suit, CLOSE it PUSH hatch, EXIT (to SHUTTLE - GAME OVER - o -