Tomb Raider 4: THE LAST REVELATION Complete Game Walk Through - part 2 Author unknown @~Continued from issue 72 LEVEL 17 TEMPLE OF POSEIDON Follow the steps up and at the top, climb down the hole. At the bottom you are faced with five options. A large door to the left, a large door to the right, a small door straight ahead and a very small door behind you, as well as a very long drop into the unknown. At this point you need to head through the small door straight ahead. Follow the corridor along, into a room with many red and black pillars. At the end of this room is a pole. Climb the pole and jump off at the top. Run to the end of the room and jump over to the statue on the small island. Use the Trident on the statue to make it into a switch. Climb back down the pole to find that there is now a river at the bottom. Swim back to the start room (the one with the long drop) and take the other small doorway. Follow the tunnel along into the room with an empty pool in. Head past this, onto the next room. Drop into the central gutter and crawl into the hole beneath the giant face. Climb out at the other end and run to the second statue. Use the Trident as before and then head back. You can stop off in the room next door if you wish as there are some goodies hidden in the pots. Be careful of the black tiles as flames shoot out if you get too close. Head back to the deep hole and head into either one of the wider doors. Run to the far end of the room and have a look around. If you see a black circle underneath a hole in the wall you need to: jump over the circle and climb up into the hole, crawl through and use the Trident on the statue. If however you see a climbable wall you need to: climb to the top and use the Trident on the statue. Once both of the statues have been turned you must head back to the hole and jump in. Fear not, the hole is now half full of water, so you won't end up as a splat on the floor. Swim along the submerged tunnel, climb out at the end and sprint past the skeletons. Run into the next room and shoot the big vases. Doing this will take care of the ghosts. Now walk into the coffin chamber and open the middle coffin. Inside you will find the left gauntlet, doing this will also open two doors, run into either one and then climb up into the crevice. Once through to the other side, follow the corridor to finish the level. LEVEL 18 THE LOST LIBRARY You start this level in a small corridor, run to the end and crawl through the small gap. Drop into the corridor and run to the large room beyond. You are now facing a blue door flanked by two large vases. There are three blue doors on either side of the room, you first need to enter the second door on the left. Run to the end of the hall and jump over to the pole. Slide straight down to the bottom, you will be hit by the blades but you will only sustain a little damage. If you are desperate for health you can find some in the vases you see as you slide. Once at the bottom, run along the corridor and climb the pole at the end. You may take a little more damage from this blade but luckily there is only one. Jump off of the pole and head out into the room beyond. A golden knight will charge at you from behind a pillar so get your pistols out and blast him. To kill these guys you need to hit their blue gem hearts, so only attack from the front. Once he is dead, walk to the left side of the left pillar and climb the ladder. Enter the doorway at the top and slide down the pole. Run into the next room and kill the two golden knights inside, notice the diamond shaped slot next to glass door, you will be using that in a minute. Head into the room to the left and climb down the hole in the floor. Crawl through the gap and walk into the next room. There is another golden knight here but this time he is on a horse. The best way to kill this knight is to use the sniper-crossbow to hit his gem heart as he charges at you. Four or five direct hits should do the trick. When he dies, you will find his gem is left behind on the floor. Now re-trace your steps back up to the hole and the glass door you saw earlier, place the gem in the slot and enter the room that is now open. Pull the chain once. Continue to re- trace your steps back to where you climbed the pillar. Climb back down and, if you didn't earlier, collect the star from the middle pillar. Now enter the right-hand doorway and make your way past the chains to a room with a giant cog and trapdoor in the floor. Open the trapdoor and drop through, swim along the tunnel until you see the door you opened by pulling the chain. Swim through and collect two more stars. You now need to re-trace your steps back to the start of the level. Once back safely, open the door nearest the giant vase on the opposite side of the room. Run along the corridor and enter the impressive looking room at the end. Place the three stars in the three slots and pull all of the planets out into the room, you need to place these on the black circles on the floor. The correct positions are:- Blue in the centre, Grey on the next ring out, then Green, Brown, and finally Gold on the final ring. Upon doing this, electricity will buzz around the room and a door will open. Follow the corridor, shooting both vases on the way, and enter the next room. The idea here is to light all of the statues at once by pulling the attached switches in the correct order. Push down the first statue you come to, then walking clock wise, continue to push down all serpent levers, mathematically this works. When you do, a block will rise in the middle of the room and a fire spirit will start chasing you. Dodge it as best you can and climb up the blocks to the corridor above. If you are hit and set ablaze you can douse yourself in the pool at the top. Head into the next room and follow the corridor until you emerge out onto the balcony of the start room. Turn to the right and open the next door you come to. Drop into the hole and slide down and out of the monkey's mouth. Quickly get out of the channel you are in to avoid the boulder and then run up the slope it rolled down. Jump over to the lever and grab it. Climb the blocks that have risen in the middle of the room and then jump over to the ledge. Climb into the hole in the wall and jump from the other end over to the monkey's nose. Pull the rope and slide backwards down the monkey's nose until you are hanging from the end. Drop and grab its bottom lip, then crawl into its mouth. Climb up the pole inside and walk up to the door directly ahead. This will open, allowing you to enter the room and collect the Pharos Pillar and open the trapdoor. Leave the room by the way you entered and head through the other gate at the top of the pole. Turn left into a room with two pedestals and two grates in the floor. Stand on both grates to light both pedestals and then pick up the torch on the floor and light it. Exit this room and continue along the corridor. Throw the torch onto the wooden floor and stand back while it burns away. Drop through the resulting hole and collect the music scroll from the floor. Climb up into the hole and open the blue doors. You are back in the main room. You now need to re-trace your steps back through the planet room, back past the serpent room, up the blocks and through the empty scroll rooms until you emerge on the balcony. Enter the adjacent room and walk up to the harp. Lara will play the harp and a secret door will open. Follow the tunnel and pull the chain to open the big, blue doors. Jump down and run through to exit the level. LEVEL 19 HALL OF DEMETRIUS Run along the corridor and down the steps into the large hall. Run into the doorway on your right and head up the steps. Collect the Pharos Knot at the top and then drop down to the floor. Head into the opposite doorway and run up the stairs. Watch the following cut scene and then blast the three goons Von Croy sends after you. When they are dead, run back up to where you read the scroll and grab hold of the lantern. You will see scrape marks on the floor where it has been dragged along. Drag it in front of the slope and the door will open. Follow the corridor and drop down the hole to finish this very short level. LEVEL 20 COASTAL RUINS - PART TWO Climb out of the water and collect the health and ammo dotted around. Climb up onto the platform and jump up onto the ladder inside the hole. Climb up and when at the top, run out into the daylight and head for the water. Dive in and start swimming out into the bay. On your right you should see an underwater tunnel, swim into this and follow it along. When you reach the small cave, turn left and swim into the next tunnel. Swim along to leave this level. LEVEL 21 PHAROHS, TEMPLE OF ISIS Swim into the large cave and head up to the ceiling to find some much needed air. Take a quick gulp and then dive to avoid the hungry Hammer-head shark which will attack. Swim down to the front of the submerged temple and swim into the left hole at the front. Place the pillar into the slot and then leave. Swim to the next hole and place knot in the second slot. Back out in the cave, swim down and under the partially open door at the bottom. Walk up the steps into a large room with a ram each side. Walk up a little way and blast the skeleton off of the edge. Drop down the hole into some more water. Swim down into the next room and open the three green doors you find. Grab some air and then go through the right door. Shoot the Pharaoh bird with the crossbow and sight. Smash the four ornate chests for some ammo and health and then head to your right up the steps. Enter the room containing the big statue. There is a ledge to the right of this room, climb up and use the crowbar on the Beetle wedged into the wall. Beetles will cascade out of the resulting hole, so quickly drop down to the floor and climb up the other ledge. Collect the second Beetle and yet more live beetles will appear. Getting these two objects made two ledges appear in the middle of the room. Climb up both of the blocks in turn and press the two blocks at the top. Now drop down into the hole in front of the statue. This room has some high ledges at the back and to get to them you need to use the last sloping block. Climb up onto the lowest side of this block and quickly press jump to backflip onto the ledge. Get the winding key from the pedestal and then push the panel to the left. This opens up the stone door that silently closed behind you when you entered the room with the tall statue. Leave this section and return to where you shot the Pharaoh bird. Go up the step that are now to your left and enter the next room, turning left and shooting the chests for some ammo and health. Kill the skeleton and enter the next room. The next room contains a black pyramid that you can use one of your beetles on to activate a door. Look for a area sloping down into some purple water and slide down. At the bottom are two more beetles to collect, but first you need to get out of the water (or gasoline) before the two flames ignite it. Hopefully you will make it out of the water before you are set alight, if not, you can douse yourself by ducking in an area that is not alight. Collect the two beetles and then leave the room by jumping over to the slope, which is now a set of steps. Place the unbroken beetle into the pyramid and look for another slope leading down to gasoline. Handle this room in the same way as the last and collect the beetle. Place it into the pyramid and repeat this process in the third and final room of this area. Head back to the start room and go up the final set of steps to enter the Cleopatra's Palaces level. This doesn't end the previous level but you do need to get the last scarab beetle from in here. Head over to the smaller of the two doorways on the other side of the room and make your way inside the temple. Head up the slope, right to the top and then drop into the hole. Go left quickly and climb up onto the step, jump over the burning liquid and use the crowbar on the final beetle. Save your game right here as it can be quite difficult making the next set of jumps. Walk to the ledge you're now standing on till you get to the edge of the ledge. Now move Lara a sideways a little bit, so she faces left. Now do a standard jump to make it to the other ledge. The problem with this section is that if you are not facing just right, Lara will bump her head on the wall above and fall into the flames. Side-step up to this ledge and then do a sideways jump getting as close to the left part of the ledge as possible before falling into the flames. You should not catch on fire at all in this section if you do the jump correctly and now you can jump and grab the ledge. Leave this level and head back to the Pyramid room. Place the final beetle into its slot and collect the Mechanical Scarab from the centre of the pyramid. Combine the Mechanical Scarab with the Winding Key you got earlier and head back once more to Cleopatra's Palaces. LEVEL 22 CLEOPATRA'S PALACE Go past the fountain and enter the bigger of the two doors at the back of the room. Head right and shoot the chest to get a large medi-pack. Follow the path until you reach a corridor with a beetle marking on the floor and some suspicious looking holes in the floor. Use the mechanical beetle here and it will activate the spikes that are ahead. The spikes will stab upward three times each as the mechanical beetle crosses over them, so run with the beetle staying one step behind it. Pick up the beetle once you are safely past the spikes and head into the next room. Go to the hole in the north wall and dodge past the swinging blades. Open the casket to find the right Gauntlet. Blast the skeleton and then leave this room. Go to the back of the hall here and turn right, use the mechanical beetle to get across the next set of spikes. Pick up the beetle and go up the steps, take your first right into a room and dodge past the blades. Open the casket to find some ammo and then head out of the room before the skeleton can get you. Head left and go up the steps, then go right down another set of steps into a larger room. At the back of this room is another large casket for you to reach into. Get the small medi-pack and then turn around and kill the Pharaoh bird and skeleton who attack. Look around and you will see a lever high up on the wall. Jump up to it and grab it to open the doors. Climb up onto the block which has also been activated and jump over to the crack in the wall, shimmy along and climb up when you are able. Enter the next room and dodge the blades, open the casket and collect the Right Greave from inside. A skeleton will appear as soon as you do this, so head back past the blades and then through the doors you opened. You should now see a door that was not open before. Enter here and shoot the two chests to get a large medi-pack and some crossbow ammo. In the casket to the right is a Pharaoh's Knot. Head out of this room and take a left, follow the corridor east and go down the corridor behind the steps in the next room. Head up the semicircular steps and place the knot in the hole in the wall. Now enter the room that opens up to. Hop up onto the small ledge in the middle of the room and grab the small medi-pack. A bronze copy of Lara will appear on the other platform and gold spirals will surround each platform. The spiral will not hurt you, so jump down from the small ledge. A block will have risen on the other side of the room, use this to climb up to the ledge. Use the monkey bars to swing to the other side and pull yourself up onto the ledge above. Shoot the Pharaoh bird so it can't attack the vulnerable bronze Lara, if you let it attack the bronze Lara, you will lose energy. When you reach the highest platform, look to the left and right to see two switches that need to be pulled. After jumping to each one and pulling it you will need to drop to the floor and climb up again so make sure that your health is full. The two doors on the right and left sides of the room are now open. Head over to the right door first and kill the skeleton inside, activate the hidden switch to get the Ornate Handle before heading over to the other door. Do the same in here to get the Hathor Effigy. Combine these two items to get the Portal Guardian. Place the Portal Guardian on top of the pole beside the other door. Go down the stairs beyond and watch the following cut-scene. Two Amazon Guardians come out of two hidden doors and attack. Use your most powerful weapons to take out the first guardian and the other will freeze. Enter the two doors behind the guardians to find the Left Greave and the Breast Plate. Head towards the steps where Lara sat on the chair in the cut-scene and choose a hole, any hole, to drop into. Doing this will finish the level. @~The next part of this solution will be in Issue 74 - o -